@thenomain said in General Video Game Thread:
I managed to fail the first mission.
Also, the three years later schtick? Really? At least it's done well; here's the situation, now here's where it leads.
That part is kind of jarring...
I managed to almost fail the second mission.
Why can't I put two medium lasers on the Locust dammit, I don't care about machine guns! How pointless!
I succeeded the third mission because there were machine guns on the Locust. Stupid little tanks.
Vehicles take double melee damage from mechs. You can pretty much run up with a medium and stomp them to your hearts content. Most, not all, but most mechs can pop a vehicle in an alpha strike. Vehicles are still dangerous to light mechs.
Fffffffiiiinnnnneeee, this is a fun game.
(I still have no idea if ammo auto refills after missions. The repair tutorial remembers to mention the armor, but forgets to mention the ammo.)
Yes armor and ammo auto refill so long as you have ammo in storage. But as you shift more to taking salvage over cash in missions you will always have enough.
(also: Does walking through power lines and small buildings and completely disrupting the infrastructure come out of your paycheck as you're destroying the roads and things? Because man.)
No hit for that on your pay received.
(edit edit: I wonder if you took all the tonnage from a 'Mech and put them in vehicles if you could absolutely swarm the field. It seems a dangerous proposal, but if done right, hmm.)
In the world of battletech there is a 5 ton hovercraft called the Savannah Master. It only mounts a medium laser. Trading the tonnage of a 100 ton mech for vehicles would get you 20 Savannah Masters. But if you traded on a cost for cost basis, the cost of 1 100-ton Atlas would get you 101 Savannah Masters. So....yes in a way.