So Steam has a sale on "Super Seducer".
Steam hosts a choose-the-response type game on how to psychologically seduce women.
You can buy this on Steam.
What the fuck, Steam?
What. The. Figurative. Fuck.
So Steam has a sale on "Super Seducer".
Steam hosts a choose-the-response type game on how to psychologically seduce women.
You can buy this on Steam.
What the fuck, Steam?
What. The. Figurative. Fuck.
@thenomain said in General Video Game Thread:
Steam hosts a choose-the-response type game on how to psychologically seduce women.
You give them gifts and only take them along on quests where you can make choices that boost their approval, right?
@peasoupling said in General Video Game Thread:
@thenomain said in General Video Game Thread:
Steam hosts a choose-the-response type game on how to psychologically seduce women.
You give them gifts and only take them along on quests where you can make choices that boost their approval, right?
Hey Ash, Whatcha Playing: Hatoful Boyfriend
Watch this, then you'll understand when I say: "A li'l Column A, li'l Column B?"
@thenomain said in General Video Game Thread:
So Steam has a sale on "Super Seducer".
Steam hosts a choose-the-response type game on how to psychologically seduce women.
You can buy this on Steam.
What the fuck, Steam?
What. The. Figurative. Fuck.
Don't give this man money.
It's back up now, but don't give this man money to see just how bad it is. It's as bad as you think it is.
He sent out chocolates to some reviewers as well.
I didn't get a code OR chocolates. I guess I should be grateful.
It was supposed to be on PS4 as well but opps it got banned.
I feel like I've been pulled into this sad man's kinks by somehow getting his kinks posted as a "training game" on Steam. At least with Sakura games everyone is warned what they'regetting into. (A little less so with Nekopara.)
I'm very behind the times but Final Fantasy XV is now out for PC and I have a problem and it's called being on this roadtrip 24/7 while listening to old Final Fantasy soundtracks. Haha jk it's not a problem it's great
Make sure you have 100 or 155 GB free when you get FF XV. Has all the DLC as I understand it. But 100 GB on PC?!!!
@insomnia Yeah, it was 75 GB without (I think) the DLC
@arkandel that's unfortunate. I liked the walking dead series. It's the same song in another industry.
Sea of Thieves is broken and glitchy as hell. Constant disconnects. No story and very little content.
I wish game companies would not rush to push out unfinished games. Glad SoT is part of this 14 trial.
@shincashay It feels that's the common trend lately. Push out a buggy, incomplete game and then slowly add what was supposed to be included with the original project in micro game packs. (Fuck you, Origin. FUCK. YOU.)
@arkandel said in General Video Game Thread:
Sometimes I miss working in game development.
Then I read articles like this and remember all the bad parts.
The problem with the game industry is that it's an industry, that any businessman worth their salt is going to look for a way to maximize return on investment.
The problem is that even noble callings like Electronic Arts will eventually put people in place who are looking at the bottom line first. I know enough technical people who work at banks who are looked down upon because their politics isn't good, even though their code practice pretty much keeps things working efficiently enough that the managers don't have to think about it. The IT Crowd doesn't even start to scratch the surface. And this is a Fortune 500 company.
No, bad managers and bad HR will ruin anyone's experience, everywhere, but without any managers or IT then artists (even code artists, or artisans) will have to learn to manage themselves. Which, y'know, they should.
Speaking of small game companies and the bottom line, Tim Schafer helped start this Kinda Kickstarter For Video Games:
The IGF Awards going on right now, which I tripped on by accident. So many good things.
If anyone hasn't heard of or played Butterfly Soup, do. It was up for an Excellence In Narrative, which is pretty impressive for a free game. Night In the Woods won, mind you, but still.
It's also the only time of year we get new "Hey Ash Whatcha Playin'", and they've been funny.
It's awesome to watch people who want to make games making games.
Make and play games, everyone.