Sep 20, 2018, 12:05 AM

@royal said in General Video Game Thread:

@rucket said in General Video Game Thread:

So been playing the Spider-Man game on PS4 and it's real good. Combat is fast, moving around Manhattan is cool, and the story stuff seems interesting, at least for someone who has a cursory knowledge of Spider-Man stuff. The one down side is some of the side content is downright repetitive, so I do kind of give it a few knocks against it for that.

To combat the repetitive side missions, I've been trying a different tactic.

I get really, really stoned.

Joke(kind of) aside, I'm loving this game. Web swinging around NYC is always fun. Relaxing like a smart garden. With punching and witty dialogue.

Haha. Yeah. It's the crimes man. THE CRIMES. But I finally cleared them all yesterday and got my gold trophy for 100%ing every district. Now to finish up the main story and get that Platinum.