Jan 1, 2017, 10:11 AM

Wiki: http://nola.orcpie.fun/wiki/index.php/Main_Page
Game Address: nola.orcpie.fun:2018

Welcome to NOLA: The Game That Care Forgot

NOLA is a game set - perhaps not entirely unexpectedly - in a city very similar to New Orleans, Louisiana. It is in the same geographical location, it bears the same name, and much of the same history. The staff of NOLA love the real-world city, which is why we've chosen to set it in this particular place - but it is based on that city, only, and does not seek to replicate it exactly. The New Orleans of this game is one where you do not need to know all the details (although they certainly help), and if something's slightly off (whether on staff's side or players') we won't stress about it too hard. It is, after all, a game we're playing. If most of the nation wouldn't blink at an inaccuracy in a television show based in New Orleans, we certainly won't stress about it here.

The main theme of our game is one of a melting pot. In New Orleans, the supernatural world doesn't have any sharp lines of division. Where the supernatural ends and the mundane begins is a fuzzy question in a world with mortals who can sense the things that walk in the darkness, read minds, and light things on fire with their brains. In a world where vampires and werewolves claim overlapping territories, alliances and rivalries will form across the lines of the species. Vampires, Werewolves, and Mortals all interact in New Orleans as part of a greater community, bound under the Shadow Accords that govern the expected ways in which alliances and disputes will be handled.

The Spheres available on NOLA are Vampire, Werewolf, Changeling, and Mortal. Mortal characters can be pure Human, Hurt Locker Templates (except Dreamer), Wolfblooded, Ghouls, and Fae-Touched and can undergo Becomings into any supernatural sphere. Human characters who meet certain (not difficult) criteria may be considered a part of the Shadow Accords, and become eligible to take part (relatively) safely in the world of the supernatural, including membership in vampire coteries, werewolf packs, changeling motleys, or mingled cabals.

NOLA is open again. Beast is no longer available. Our wiki is STILL unfinished. We've probably still got bugs. There's probably new ones. And yes, we'll allow Bloodlines...as soon as someone steps up to be a Bloodlines Gremlin and do the research, data entry, and wikiwork. That means yes, we're hiring staff if you want to sign up. Also: we will allow SotC content as soon as someone's willing to go over the work that's already done and finish up the data entry. It's not hard work, I've just got a weird mental block about it and I've been letting it keep me from re-opening for too long. No, we didn't scrap the Accords - they're still there. The NPCs are still in place, we didn't scrap those either. Hell, Beasts are still in the city - they're just NPCs and unavailable for character creation.

TL;DR: A CofD 2e game with Vampire, Werewolf, and Humans set in New Orleans where everybody's up in everybody else's business.

<< Edit: Ownership was switched to Ganymede to preserve this particular post for other players while respecting the original poster's request to have all posts deleted. >>