Well, it's finally here. Day I find out if they will actually give me something to help. My therapist warned me she probably will want to give me a mood stabilizer versus something controlled like Adderall. It's time I dig in my heels to be my own best advocate. Wish me luck
Health and Wealth and GrownUp Stuff
Well, it's finally here. Day I find out if they will actually give me something to help. My therapist warned me she probably will want to give me a mood stabilizer versus something controlled like Adderall. It's time I dig in my heels to be my own best advocate. Wish me luck
@Macha Good Luck!
Well, Celexa for the anxiety and hydro something or other for when I hit panic attack levels. If that levels out, we'll try wellbutrin for the ADD issues.
@Macha said in Health and Wealth and GrownUp Stuff:
Well, Celexa for the anxiety and hydro something or other for when I hit panic attack levels. If that levels out, we'll try wellbutrin for the ADD issues.
...I really hope the wellbutrin works for those, but I'm a little afraid they're doing to you what they did to me.
I'm on wellbutrin for depression. And it works great for that! But every time I asked about ADD I just got told 'let's give the wellbutrin more time to kick in!' or'let's try raising the dose...'
AFAIK wellbutrin is not made for add or even expected to treat it.
I've honestly wondered if for us women there is the 'pffff women don't get add. They must just be depressed and getting the 'I can't find the power to care about things' symptom.
@Auspice Welbutrin sent my mood swings to 11, My mother too. never touching that shit again.
@Wretched said in Health and Wealth and GrownUp Stuff:
@Auspice Welbutrin sent my mood swings to 11, My mother too. never touching that shit again.
It did that for me for almost a month. Which was miserable and cost me some shit, but I buckled down through it because a friend stuck by me (who had been there himself) and kept reminding me that it was only temporary.
And it was. About three weeks of the worst mood swings I'd ever had.....to finally not be crushingly depressed and sparingly suicidal.
@Macha I know it's a different experience for everyone, but Celexa's been good to me for going on 20 years now. I hope it works well for you too.
@Auspice Yeah it was well over a month for me, multiple refills. Never stopped so I ended up not going back to the psych doc for like 3 years instead because... yeah. Then i started smoking pot which helped me get over my Anxiety enough to see the doctor again, Prozac is so far so good.
Having a broker for my insurance needs is AMAZING. It came time to renew (I always forget even though it's ALWAYS in July) and she went out herself, did research, and found me an insurance deal that saved me $1000 over the course of a full year.
I had to do zero work other than say 'yes' and give her my credit card info. Plus, I don't pay her! She gets commissions.
@silverfox said in Health and Wealth and GrownUp Stuff:
Having a broker for my insurance needs is AMAZING. It came time to renew (I always forget even though it's ALWAYS in July) and she went out herself, did research, and found me an insurance deal that saved me $1000 over the course of a full year.
I had to do zero work other than say 'yes' and give her my credit card info. Plus, I don't pay her! She gets commissions.
I had one of these in SC.
He and his firm were amazing. I can't recommend finding one enough when you're responsible for your own insurance.They make most of their money selling insurance packages to businesses, so they're happy to help individuals.
Seriously. I would give this woman's number to anyone in a heartbeat.
@silverfox said in Health and Wealth and GrownUp Stuff:
Seriously. I would give this woman's number to anyone in a heartbeat.
Oh man I put my guy in SC on all the social media when I was there (srsly if you're in SC and need help buying insurance or signing up for ACA, lemme know and I'll give you his deets).
Well, I got the lecture on Ambien, and how she won't give me a lot of things until I come off that (Though Ambien has been the ONLY thing that has ever given me consistent 6 hours of sleep in years, I'm not an addict, and I don't do the stupid things people talk about on it), so Celexa it is, for now. And yeah "Well, it might be the anxiety and depression, and not actual ADD" - yeah, I'm sure the therapist who works across the hall and sent me to you has no idea what she's talking about.
@Macha said in Health and Wealth and GrownUp Stuff:
Well, I got the lecture on Ambien, and how she won't give me a lot of things until I come off that (Though Ambien has been the ONLY thing that has ever given me consistent 6 hours of sleep in years, I'm not an addict, and I don't do the stupid things people talk about on it), so Celexa it is, for now. And yeah "Well, it might be the anxiety and depression, and not actual ADD" - yeah, I'm sure the therapist who works across the hall and sent me to you has no idea what she's talking about.
For me it was 'if we fix your depression and insomnia the add should go away!'
I mean I'm on a p consistent sleep schedule rn and my add is as bad as ever so ok there goes that theory.
Like I said, I do truly hope it works for you but gosh they seem to love denying women and add diagnosis.
Fuuuuuuuck migraines
Mine is so bad today that Iām at I-stagger-when-I-walk vertigo levels. I keep having to stop what Iām doing while everything spins.
I have too much shit to get done for this.
After quite a while out of work, for the first time ever I was offered a job mid-interview. Hopefully a launching point to get my life back on track.
So many small things I will be able to fix once I have income and insurance again.
@Auspice said in Health and Wealth and GrownUp Stuff:
@Macha said in Health and Wealth and GrownUp Stuff:
For me it was 'if we fix your depression and insomnia the add should go away!'Like I said, I do truly hope it works for you but gosh they seem to love denying women and add diagnosis.
I always got "if you lose weight your depression will be better." Turns out I have bipolar so they gave me meds that make me put on weight, with some as needed meds that slow metabolic systems down. And still the nurse lectures me about my weight. Things have have been "caused" by my weight over the years:
- Polycystic ovary syndrome / endo
- Trapped nerve
- Migraines
- Asthma
Also Gee, I'm fat? I totally did not know! Wow!
Losing weight might be good? Wow, why didn't I think of that...
@JinShei You should also try cheering up. Maybe smile more? Cant you just get over it? It's all in your head after all. Just eat less.
I wish they would give me something halfway decent for pain. I've been dying for over a week now.
@Wretched said in Health and Wealth and GrownUp Stuff:
@JinShei You should also try cheering up. Maybe smile more? Cant you just get over it? It's all in your head after all. Just eat less.
You forgot somethingsomething gluten and weed is the new Jesus.