Best posts made by Atomic
A fully OC supers MU
Yeah, I loved playing on them, so I'm thinking of standing one up.
I'm strongly considering an Academy style game where the PCs are students. I have a lot of world and lore already built. I love to run scenes, build stories, and do long plots.
I'm partial to the Mutants and Masterminds system for MU resolution, though I am reading a few other supers rulesets right now, because total dork.
How does that bounce off of people?
RE: Critters!
Most evenings, I'm told in no uncertain terms that I have to multitask.
RE: Critters!
Looks like my boy has bad hind legs. I'm finding out how bad, but right now he has good and bad days. I did get some steps for when he can't jump into bed. He's got a rough hip and the vet says his knees both subluxate.
I have been giving him daily dusequin(or whatever it's called), and we tried some syringe-given antiinflammatories. Getting old sucks.
Doesn't stop him from using a hunting blind, though. No ankles are safe:
RE: A fully OC supers MU
@GreenFlashlight said in A fully OC supers MU:
Brutal honesty? I'm interested in the idea of an OC only game, but when you tie that to a game system that requires a financial investment from me, I find myself wondering why I shouldn't just take my OC ideas to a game I don't have to pony up for a book for. I think a strong enough sales pitch could convince me to cough up the sixty dollar investment, but as it stands, "I'm thinking of doing this, probably in a school for supers" isn't selling me.
It's open license: http://www.d20herosrd.com
RE: Fringe/Weird RPGs
Weird, you say? Fringe?
Apocalypse World - First game to use the Apocalypse Engine. Your character progression is tied into your role. Fighty types get fighty skills, weirdo psychics get to talk to the End of the World, and leaders actually develop the settlement as XP spends.
The Morrow Project - 150 years after a nuclear exchange, you awaken from cryogenic suspension to discover that someone sabotaged the project and the central base is gone, leaving you alone to try to rebuild, or just survive.
Alma Mater - High school. Just High School(you know, drugs, sex, etc.) Art by Erol Otus.
Stalking the Night Fantastic - Weird is this game's first and middle name, followed by Awesome. You're deniable government assets trying to prune down the supernatural Bad Stuff and protect the citizenry and Good Stuff. Remember, there is nothing you can investigate at midnight you can't investigate twice as safely at high noon.
Justifiers - Furries. In. Spaaaace! Also, a thrown rock is more deadly than a laser gun.
Macho Women With Guns - It's.. pretty much what it sounds like. It's a parody game, and meta-parody at that -- there are rules systems in it making fun of other, famously clunky rules systems.
Dogs in the Vineyard - Religious Police in alternate-world Deseret, 1800s.
It Came From The Late Late Late Show - You play actors on a completely improv, shoestring production of some UHF(ask your parents) station's fantasy/sci-fi/horror show.
The Drones - The game of single London men in the 1920's social clubbing. Get out your flat caps and starter handles, or you'll never make it to the boat races in time to stop Neville's brother from getting married and leaving the club.
Atomic Robo - The FATE system isn't exactly fringe, but Atomic Robo is weird. And Awesome. And has a SCIENCE phase cooked into the rules. And has Jenkins, the Flying She-Devils of the Pacific, and Doctor Dinosaur.
Judge Dredd - The Judge Dredd RPG. Weird is where it starts. Chasing down a Blob gang growing black market dinosaurs for the rogue droid's illegal dino-fighting ring so they can steal the audience from the fatties beliwheel triathlon. Or, you know, Wednesday.
That's the stuff I have within easy reach.
..I may have a problem.
RE: A fully OC supers MU
The MU is standing, and I am braille-ing my way through setting up the server side bits and chargen. I chose Ares and FATE. I'm learning as I go, so it'll be a bit slow.. but quicker than going on another platform and trying to find a coder.
I can tell the same story regardless of system, and this way I can actually have a running game instead of a theoretical one.
Once I get the system bits down, I'll get the website bits up to snuff and a grid built. I think that's when I'll make staff recruitment pitches.
RE: The Work Thread
After learning to manage up(Silicon valley geek meets Midwestern Office), I am seeing my role at work change drastically. Less technical, more leadership -- by a very large margin. I have to admit I really, really like the change. I had been very concerned with my burning out around pure tech.
I still carry critical duties; the on call rotations and critical issues, but my plate has been pretty heavily cleared off to let me do the projects I am driving without a lot of distraction. I feel sometimes that I log in at 7 am, work for 2 hours, and then... don't do a whole lot for the rest of the day. I still work, don't get me wrong, but it's coasting and barely engaging me. I get more kudos now than ever. It's weird. I think I found the cadence that my brain needs to do my best work(I did similarly in college).
My boss wants to keep our team fully remote. My workplace provides us a recurring stipend for WFH expenses. They require vaccination OR ELSE. No jab, bye Felicia. No fucks given if you're in the office or not.
They provide us amazing benefits and more front-loading vacation than I have ever seen outside of Europe. I get in trouble for having leftover PTO. I am paid well. I get bonuses.
Pinch me.
I almost feel guilty, but there's a reason for all the awesome, too.
When we fuck up, people can actually die. And they die badly.
Still, wouldn't trade it for anything. Our KPI is how many cancer patients we match with donors and get to live.
After years of shitty tech jobs, I feel like I landed in the right place.
Latest posts made by Atomic
RE: Health and Wealth and GrownUp Stuff
@derp said in Health and Wealth and GrownUp Stuff:
The company that botched two interviews is now no longer considering you?
Like -- a'ight.
That happened to me with Nvidia. They really fucked the interview process up. I ended up letting the guy's manager know and waving as I sped off into the distance.
RE: The Work Thread
After learning to manage up(Silicon valley geek meets Midwestern Office), I am seeing my role at work change drastically. Less technical, more leadership -- by a very large margin. I have to admit I really, really like the change. I had been very concerned with my burning out around pure tech.
I still carry critical duties; the on call rotations and critical issues, but my plate has been pretty heavily cleared off to let me do the projects I am driving without a lot of distraction. I feel sometimes that I log in at 7 am, work for 2 hours, and then... don't do a whole lot for the rest of the day. I still work, don't get me wrong, but it's coasting and barely engaging me. I get more kudos now than ever. It's weird. I think I found the cadence that my brain needs to do my best work(I did similarly in college).
My boss wants to keep our team fully remote. My workplace provides us a recurring stipend for WFH expenses. They require vaccination OR ELSE. No jab, bye Felicia. No fucks given if you're in the office or not.
They provide us amazing benefits and more front-loading vacation than I have ever seen outside of Europe. I get in trouble for having leftover PTO. I am paid well. I get bonuses.
Pinch me.
I almost feel guilty, but there's a reason for all the awesome, too.
When we fuck up, people can actually die. And they die badly.
Still, wouldn't trade it for anything. Our KPI is how many cancer patients we match with donors and get to live.
After years of shitty tech jobs, I feel like I landed in the right place.
RE: The ADD/ADHD Thread (cont'd from Peeves)
@too-old-for-this said in The ADD/ADHD Thread (cont'd from Peeves):
@saosmash Goodwill LOVES me for this exact reason. I bring them stuff with tags still on it, still in boxes, still packaged. Just shrugging because of course I lost the receipt and the item is more than 30 days old because I can never remember to just take it back when I go again and yes I would love a receipt for this donation that I will inevitably lose within 5 minutes of getting home because I put it down SOMEWHERE because there was a smell in the apartment so I changed cat litter and took out the garbage and wiped down everything that might possibly be smelly only to realize two hours later someone across the hall is cooking something Godawful smelling and its affecting my sinuses, so I took some allergy meds just in case that would help and I sat down to handle some messenger and then my son came home from school so we talked about his day and popped some popcorn because he thought it would be fun for us to pile onto the floor and watch Ghostbusters... yeah. By the time the receipt even enters my mind again, I can't even remember actually putting it down anywhere, let alone where. XD
I can't buy clothes without actually going in, trying them on, sizing, moving, and testing them in at least two other ways. Can't do it. I keep detailed notes about which cut, size, and make fits in what way. I have only two times in my life ordered clothing online, and it was solely to get stuff I had already put through my process.
It's like my brain knows how it will go if I don't.
RE: Critters!
Looks like my boy has bad hind legs. I'm finding out how bad, but right now he has good and bad days. I did get some steps for when he can't jump into bed. He's got a rough hip and the vet says his knees both subluxate.
I have been giving him daily dusequin(or whatever it's called), and we tried some syringe-given antiinflammatories. Getting old sucks.
Doesn't stop him from using a hunting blind, though. No ankles are safe:
RE: Health and Wealth and GrownUp Stuff
@derp said in Health and Wealth and GrownUp Stuff:
TFW when your parent who has been absolutely vile to you for weeks gets out of the psych ward and confesses that, in their last episode, they and the hallucination of their dead ex husband had a full on plan to murder you.
I want to talk to the writers of my life. They have completely jumped the goddamn shark.
My mom did some crazy shit like that also.
We should get our writing staff in a room and hand the result to the Coen brothers.
RE: Health and Wealth and GrownUp Stuff
@cassite I'm using one through my EAP currently. It feels marginal to me, kind of like jawing at a bartender, probably because I'm not heavily investing in it.
My primary care place finally got me in to see someone, and that's where I have placed the bulk of my energy and effort because I have already done stuff through them. I didn't want to tread over the same ground with other folks again.
RE: The ADD/ADHD Thread (cont'd from Peeves)
Finally getting formally tested. I'm guessing my psych wants to pin it down since it exists alongside medical and other psychiatric fun. I'm a book!
RE: Health and Wealth and GrownUp Stuff
Unfortunately in my state, your job gets you vaccines, not your risk. It's almost like we're not even people.