Health and Wealth and GrownUp Stuff
@JinShei said in Health and Wealth and GrownUp Stuff:
And a dozen other things known to medics. 80% of chest exams are done with listening and looking, and not by pain symptoms. So. Yes, could be those, or something else. I could list a dozen other things but the thing is - without a physical exam, I can't tell. And I'm trained to be able to diagnose.
Echoing this as another medic. There are dozens of things it could be. Telling somebody not to go to the doctor because there's "probably nothing to be done about it" is not only bad advice, but potentially dangerous advice.
So - The job - I still like it. The boss and coworker are still amazing. Boss had an out of town meeting today so it was just me and the coworker. He's SUPER chill, and teaching me all the extra little tricks of getting around the building.
But the pain of to and from the car to the office, office to the car - It's getting worse. I paid a little extra to park in a lot a block closer than the garage. It helped a TINY bit. It's to the point I have to sit in my car when I get back to it, and just SIT and will the pain away so I can move my legs to drive. I get home, and manage to get it into the house, and have to lay down for at least an hour to be able to walk into the kitchen to make something to eat - which has been nothing real this week - super quick stuff I can nuke.
I've refilled my steroid script because I don't know what else to do to help it. I've cried from pain more this week than I have in the last 3 months.
To be clear, I’m not suggesting to not go to the doctor. Yes, go to the doctor. Please go.
I’m taking into consideration that this may not be financially feasible, though, and am attempting to comfort someone who seems troubled and distressed by being in a tough spot.
@Ganymede said in Health and Wealth and GrownUp Stuff:
To be clear, I’m not suggesting to not go to the doctor. Yes, go to the doctor. Please go.
Similarly I am not trying to sound alarm bells "OMG get to the doctor immediately it could be something horrible" like the kid from Kindergarten Cop.
I’m taking into consideration that this may not be financially feasible, though, and am attempting to comfort someone who seems troubled and distressed by being in a tough spot.
A noble and worthy goal. Speculating that it might only be a cracked rib or pulled muscle is perfectly fine. That's information Auspice can weigh into their decision making, google and compare symptoms, etc.
Jumping from there to "eh there's probably nothing a doctor could do anyway" (paraphrased) is the sort of thing that might sway a waffling person into not seeking treatment. And it's just not accurate. Bacterial pleurisy might be aided by a round of antibiotics. There are other things it could be that might also be treatable.
Armchair medical advice over the internet is just as bad as armchair legal advice.
But that’s not what I said.
If she has a cracked rib or strained muscle, then there really isn’t much a doctor can do.
I wasn’t talking about other potential diagnoses at all. If that was not clear, I apologize.
Fuck asymptomatic migraines. Well. Just migraines in general.
But the ones where you don't have pain so much a pressure, as intense vertigo, as sight and sound sensitivities...
Needless to say, won't be going to work because haha not safe to drive.
I've been getting by at work with my pain, etc. I crash when I get home a lot, for at least an hour, but.. I manage. It's not really living, but you do what you have to , to pay the bills.
Then there's today - frigid outside, spent hours in the car yesterday without any sort of rest stops to stretch (That weren't located in stupid whiteout spots), so my body is like Fuuuuuuuuuuck youuuuuuuu Macha. You're not going anywhere today.
Boss tells me to call him when I make it in. Uh... Good thing he got that medical accommodation letter from my doctor yesterday, telling him sometimes the pain is just too big to function around.
Friday, I had vertigo so bad I spent p much all day in bed.
I was fine all weekend.About an hour ago, I began feeling ill / light-headed / etc again. Coworker noticed a few minutes ago that I looked a bit peaked. I told him how I felt. He said I should likely go home.
Pointed out I don't feel safe in the going (I could take an Uber, but I don't feel particularly comfortable doing so in my state
)... but let me state for the umpteenth time that I appreciate working somewhere that supports self-care.
.......and that I hate that my migraines are back in force (and with atypical symptoms, ugh).
That seems like a really terrible place to be in, and I hope you do get an answer from somewhere. (Eleven days belated, sorry. )
Another of those days in which 'at least I don't have to live in that headspace all the time' is likely the best to be said about it.
While that's definitely a good thing, the things that bring it to light are more annoying than I wish they were. I seriously need to focus on not undervaluing the blessing part of things more often/heavily.
My stupid left hip hurts and feels out of 'place' somehow. And tomorrow I have to deal with team lead who will make me crazy.
@Macha said in Health and Wealth and GrownUp Stuff:
My stupid left hip hurts and feels out of 'place' somehow. And tomorrow I have to deal with team lead who will make me crazy.
I feel this way about my legs today. Not the out of place part. The pain part. I get this deep bone ache in them and I didn't wanna 'whine' but it fucking hurts and I share because, well, I want you to know you aren't alone in hurting and needing to have a 'this fucking sucks' moment.
PTSD is not a wonderland of joy and delight.
It's been a pretty bad day in terms of the most common trigger. It was not fun being that terrified 9-10 year old then, and it is not fun feeling like that terrified 9-10 year old again at 46 while fighting off panic attacks and tension cramps.
But, I won today. The PTSD didn't win. It's something, even if I am so emotionally exhausted I feel like someone clubbed me half to death with a baseball bat for how terribly my body's twisted into a knot.
The shitty part is knowing the panic side of things won't let me sleep for a long fucking time yet, and I could really use it right now.
The extra shitty part is that I can't take any more ibuprofen today, and I still have to be amazingly careful ever taking tylenol thanks to the same stupid fucking liver stones that don't let me booze it up through things like today's stupid dramas.
@Auspice said in Health and Wealth and GrownUp Stuff:
@Macha said in Health and Wealth and GrownUp Stuff:
My stupid left hip hurts and feels out of 'place' somehow. And tomorrow I have to deal with team lead who will make me crazy.
I feel this way about my legs today. Not the out of place part. The pain part. I get this deep bone ache in them and I didn't wanna 'whine' but it fucking hurts and I share because, well, I want you to know you aren't alone in hurting and needing to have a 'this fucking sucks' moment.
Can I join too? Joints are unhelpful and painful. I have a day of university with bad chairs today and I woke up with pain.
@JinShei said in Health and Wealth and GrownUp Stuff:
@Auspice said in Health and Wealth and GrownUp Stuff:
@Macha said in Health and Wealth and GrownUp Stuff:
My stupid left hip hurts and feels out of 'place' somehow. And tomorrow I have to deal with team lead who will make me crazy.
I feel this way about my legs today. Not the out of place part. The pain part. I get this deep bone ache in them and I didn't wanna 'whine' but it fucking hurts and I share because, well, I want you to know you aren't alone in hurting and needing to have a 'this fucking sucks' moment.
Can I join too? Joints are unhelpful and painful. I have a day of university with bad chairs today and I woke up with pain.
Feel free to join the 'I hurt and there's nothing I can do about it so I just need to bitch about it' club.For me it's not even my joints. I just get this really deep ache in my legs sometimes that's reminiscent of the growing pains I'd get as a kid.
@Auspice saw a rheumatology doc yesterday who confirmed what we thought it is, but twisted me a lot for range of movement and my hips are all hell nope. Slept restlessly so shoulders, elbows and hands hurt. So feet just joined in because they feel left out. I can take pain relief or be awake,, but not both.
First day of my course today so an entire day in a bad bad chair...
Feeling v. unwell today. Like, 'fear I might pass out' unwell... and I can't put my finger on why, which makes it hard to resolve. It began with nausea that set in when I got to the bus and expanded to just an off feeling in my head.
Getting food and caffeine in me to see if it helps, but I honestly wish I knew what the deal was.
RE: joint pain
Yeah I pretty much live with that. I broke my back in 4 places when I was 21, bad car accident, and now the steel rod they put in my back is destroying my vertebrate above it, so yeah. Not so much fun. I feel it even worse when it gets cold outside, like it is now here in Georgia 25F in the morning. shiversLuckily I got some "good" news I guess. I had a visit with my Cardiac specialist and he told me I still have about 12 years or so left. So yay! At least my cardiac autonomic neuropathy isn't progressing so swiftly vastly shorten my lifespan. Even though every morning is Russian Roulette. Surviving 2 heart attacks and 2 strokes in the last year from sneezing has been trying. But I have 12 or so years... Maybe I'll get to see some grandchildren when my kids are ready for their own families.
@JinShei I actually really like my Rheumatologist - but I know every time I see him - I will hurt after.
@Macha never done it before! He pretty much said yes, this is this, keep warm, take drugs, keep moving.