nWoD vampire, for instance, doesn't have any case of Camarilla versus Sabbat.
Carthians don't -have- to hate Invictus. It's all ifs and maybes, definable by the players/game runners. Odds are if you provide players without strictly defined boundaries, they're going to stretch things just as far as they can. It's human nature to want to be special.
In oWoD, you could have Cammie/Sabbat star-crossed lovers and fluffysextimes on the side all you want, but if you get caught you're going to get ashed.
In nWoD, you can have Invictus/Carthian star-crossed lovers and whatever the game's theme, people are gonna shrug and say 'whatever'.
By it's very nature of needing to be defined by the players/staff, nWoD will inherently be less defined than oWoD. In oWoD, a duck is a duck. In nWoD, a duck is whatever you want a duck to be.