The State of the Chronicles of Darkness
Early 2017. I'm callin' it!
@Arkandel said:
Early 2017. I'm callin' it!
You've put a date on it! Now we have to move it forward by a couple years as normal! 2019!
Old WoD instead of new but I will just be happy to see Changeling the Dreaming 20th anniversary come out in my life time. Preferably before i am too deep in senility to read it.
Current Development and Design Stages for nWoD
DEVELOPMENT STATUS FROM ROLLICKING ROSE (projects in bold have changed status since last week):
First Draft (The first phase of a project that is about the work being done by writers, not dev prep)CtL anthology (Changeling: the Lost 2nd Edition)
Signs of Sorcery (Mage: the Awakening Second Edition)
Night Horrors: Conquering Heroes (Beast: the Primordial)Redlines
Mummy Fiction Anthology (Mummy: the Curse)
Changeling: the Lost 2nd Edition, featuring the Huntsmen Chronicle (Changeling: the Lost 2nd Edition)- In Open Development
Beast Fiction Anthology (Beast: the Primordial)Second Draft
Secrets of the Covenants (Vampire: The Requiem 2nd Edition)
Beast Ready Made Characters (Beast: the Primordial)
Dark Eras Companion (nWod Dark Eras)
WtF The Pack (Werewolf: the Forsaken 2nd Edition)Development
nWoD Hurt Locker (World of Darkness 2nd Edition)
Dark Eras Expansions (nWod Dark Eras)
Promethean: the Created 2nd Edition, featuring the Firestorm Chronicle (Promethean: the Created)
Cursed Necropolis: Rio (Mummy: the Curse)Post-Editing Development:
Mage: the Awakening 2nd Edition, featuring the Fallen World Chronicle (Mage: the Awakening) -
Is 'post-editing development' code for almost done or barely started?
@Tempest said:
Is 'post-editing development' code for almost done or barely started?
It's the last stage before release.
What the hell is Beast? Are you literally playing the vampire's Beast now?
@HelloProject said:
What the hell is Beast? Are you literally playing the vampire's Beast now?
It's some manner of primordial dream-demon reverse changeling... thing. I kind of don't get it. You play some sort of ancient monster who takes human form and is supposed to feed on people's fears, or nightmares, or something, and in doing so there is... profit, of some manner.
I've read the things for it half a dozen times now, and I'm still lost as to how it's supposed to function, but it seems like a whole big pile of weird to me. I'm sure that someone else has a more thorough explanation that probably makes it make sense. At least, I hope someone does. I'm totally lost.
Yeah, my understanding was that Beast is like...Leviathan-esque shit but in human form. IDK, but what I've heard does not interest me at all.
And wow, Changeling 2.0 is way farther back than I realized.
Oh well, come on Mage and Hurt Locker! (And hurry the eff up with SotC, man.)
Yeah, Changeling is way further back than I thought. Damn. and really, seriously, please fucking release Secrets of the Covenants and The Pack.
Beast is about being a human born as essentially an Avatar of primordial fears -- the dark, the deep, things that are huge, etc. You actively have to choose to accept your Beastly heritage, but when you do you, you gain access to the Primordial Dream -- an alternate reality where you are a monster, and your real life now must coincide with your life as a Beast. The Beast is all about that fear in some heavy way, and it ties into their abilities and existence; their power stat is literally 'how hungry you are' for your particular brand of fear. Beasts also believe that they are related to the Mother of Monsters and view all other supernatural types as cousins; Beast is cross-over heavy to a point where they have powers that buff other supernatural creatures.It has issues with direction -- in the PDF leak/playtest documents, there is no real direction on what a Beast does other than try to deal with their Satiety and the Heroes that inevitably Dream about them and go on a Gaston-esque KILL THE BEAST rampage.
@Bobotron said:
and the Heroes that inevitably Dream about them and go on a Gaston-esque KILL THE BEAST rampage.
Well, now I'm interested.
They have to sing though.
Also, my hope is that they realized some of the SotC stuff was ridiculous coughcarthianlawscough and are taking time portions. But, they're probably just being slow for no real reason.
@Tempest said:
@Bobotron said:
and the Heroes that inevitably Dream about them and go on a Gaston-esque KILL THE BEAST rampage.
Well, now I'm interested.
Also, my hope is that they realized some of the SotC stuff was ridiculous coughcarthianlawscough and are taking time portions. But, they're probably just being slow for no real reason.
As a note, Heroes are EXPLICITLY non-playable; they are broken in some way by their encounter in the Dream with the Beast (or other Beasts), and your activities as a Beast give your Hero(es) a little bit of power, but not much. I view them as akin to how I saw Reckoning hunters portrayed: driven to the point of ignoring collateral damage and looking in crazed fools (like the normal guy in a monster movie where the monster is the protagonist and noone believes him so he does stuff like blow up church buses and buildings to get the Monster, not caring about the collateral damage).
Carthian Laws in the Secrets of the Covenants playtest were insane, especially if you wanted to put them to use on a MU. Just... crazy.
Yeah, it was pretty much no-go on a MU for a lot of the Laws (or they were just....weird). I've forgotten most of them, but 'you shut down Discipline use in the whole city' and the 'people's Status causes them damage' are the ones that've stuck in my memory since my last look.
Based on the playtest stuff, it's looking like if you intend to implement SotC stuff on a MU you're gonna have to design your own custom stuff for the Carthians so they don't get left out of 'having cool stuff'.
@Tempest said:
Yeah, it was pretty much no-go on a MU for a lot of the Laws (or they were just....weird). I've forgotten most of them, but 'you shut down Discipline use in the whole city' and the 'people's Status causes them damage' are the ones that've stuck in my memory since my last look.
Based on the playtest stuff, it's looking like if you intend to implement SotC stuff on a MU you're gonna have to design your own custom stuff for the Carthians so they don't get left out of 'having cool stuff'.
This happens to the Invictus too, since their "cool stuff" is actually other people getting cool stuff by swearing oaths to them.
I've been trying to come up with a cool way to reverse-buy Invictus Oaths so that Unconquered can buy versions of them representing the benefits coming from having other people (including NPCs) oathed to them.
I should apologize for not including the art stages in the last post I made. Here.
In Art Direction
Mage: the Awakening Second – Art in progress.
Promethean: the Created Second – Contracted.In Layout
Beast: The Primordial – Doing page xxs… there are a lot of those to fill in.
Demon STG – Starting on that once I get NWoD 2 into 2nd proof. Should be quick.Proofing
NWoD 2 – Doing up all the first round corrections and getting that back into proofing.Special- projects on hold in the art and production area until an external factor is resolved
Dark Eras – Expanded text from the KS has to get through the dev stages above. -
We have much in common with glacier watchers.
Considering everything I've learned about making tabletop books in the last few months (from actual published pros), I'm somewhat puzzled at why this is taking so long 0_o.
Maybe White Wolf is different.
Maybe there's rituals and blood sacrifices that are beyond my limited experience to understand.
The difference is no one accuses Onyx Path of being professionals.(Just a joke folks everyone take a deep breath.)