The State of the Chronicles of Darkness
@Coin said in The State of the Chronicles of Darkness:
@Arkandel said in The State of the Chronicles of Darkness:
@Coin said in The State of the Chronicles of Darkness:
Inaccurate. Scrutiny takes a long time. You can glance at someone with mage Sight and if they have some weird shit going on on the surface, sure; but as far as actually scrutinizing them, it took a lot longer. It's just that people don't read the book and also think you can someone get away with staring at someone for a full minute without the person going "hey, what do you want?"
Scrutiny? That's nothing!
Certain players were endowed with PC vision, allowing them to distinguish between the millions of random NPCs in major metropolitan areas (who'd never get stared at either for three seconds or sixty) and the special few who, despite being strangers, merited a hard staredown for being actual PCs all on the merit of some superficial excuse - maybe they 'made a weird comment' (because there are no oddballs around in cities) or 'dressed funny' (unthinkable), but they got examined by the convenient power that let you know things about them.
Now that's a power.
Best way to get something under a Mage's radar is have your NPC act totally normal while other PCs get all their attention.
I did a variation of this in the Mage table top I ran. The actual mastermind villain was known to the PCs the entire time but since he was the helpful sleepwalker with no unusual powers they went to him all the time to get advice on their plans and even gave him power of attorney to handle their financial matters so they did not have to deal with it. When he did the villain reveal that he now owned all their stuff they hated me, until I showed them my beginning of the campaign notes where I thumb nailed his plan then they hated themselves for never looking closer at him.
@ThatGuyThere Why didn't they just kill him when he villain revealed? All those deeds don't mean shit in HP town.
They did eventually but it is not like he did the reveal in person. -
@ThatGuyThere Entirely fair. I just had this image in my head of this little punk ass little bitch declaring MUHAHAHA, ALL YOUR SANCTUM ARE BELONG TO ME and somehow not getting rekt on the spot.
No the reveal happened when they were out of town on a mission and arrived to find their sanctum being renovated, when they talked to the construction foreman they learned it had been sold to someone putting in a Starbucks.
The Killing of the mastermind villain happened a couple of sessions latter when they tracked him down. -
In Layout
Promethean: the Created Second
Secrets of the CovenantsMy two most anticipated books may drop before 2017.
We'll see the red star before that happens.
@Saulot I downvoted you like you downvoted my fucking dreams.
@tragedyjones said in The State of the Chronicles of Darkness:
@Saulot I downvoted you like you downvoted my fucking dreams.
But those are the only kinds of dreams you have.
Any thoughts or ideas from the peeps that have read Dark Eras? I loved the Neolithic section enough to drop everything I'm working on, and to make it a thing.
@Saulot I really loved that setting as well! Surprisingly so. I've incorporated some stuff from it in Fallen World, but I am not sure how I would conduct a full game on that setting, tabletop or MUXland. How do you plan on doing it?!
@SunnyJ said in The State of the Chronicles of Darkness:
@Saulot I really loved that setting as well! Surprisingly so. I've incorporated some stuff from it in Fallen World, but I am not sure how I would conduct a full game on that setting, tabletop or MUXland. How do you plan on doing it?!
Honestly? It would take a lot of things, and I wouldn't start it in Europe or use the chapter in full (the just the majority for theme and setting). I'll try to break things into bullet points now since I always ramble.
- Everything would be "centered" around a specific village, and large portions of the surrounding wilderness. The most likely thing would have the village near the Red Sea, the Levantine Sea, or the Black Sea.
- The game itself would allow Mages, Werewolves, Wolf-Blooded, and Sleepwalkers. Generic mortals I am very much on the fence about, and lean towards no.
- All players would belong to the single tribe that composes the village. The tribe itself would consist of 5 bands (with veneration for their own preferred deity - each below the creators).
** This does beg the question of what it means for potential players that wish to be or start as outsiders to the village. It's something I'd think about later since the most I have right now are a few ideas rattling around my brain. - The theme of the game would be survival, and the mood is revolution.
** Survival: Away from home and the safety of fire the Abyss lurks. Watching, waiting. Pangeans grow greater in number and power, yet Urfarah still lives. Spirits grow fat from the wars and dissent among local tribes as warring chieftains demand resources and sacrifice to their gods above all else. Most importantly, everyone has to eat.
** Revolution: Things are coming to a head. Urfarah grows weaker by the day, signs of the Time Before are slowly leaving this world, and the needs are the village have grown too great for the meager land they now hold. - Outside of the village itself I would have 3-4 competing villages in mind with them all (including the player village) be warring over land, resources, and to appease their given gods.
** Speaking in terms of concepts I'm thinking this. A tribe of nomadic slash and burn farmers situated around a specific basin who are mostly proficient with stealth. A tribe subsisting on sacred cannibalism, ritual murder, and veneration of something I'd like to keep secret if I actually make this game. The last one to come to mind at present is a village essentially ruled over by a child of Rat (the Pangean and later Plague King if it needs to be said). - As for things to run: The usual spirit troubles, Mysteries of the ever changing fallen world and places of shattered time in unspeakable places, war, religious zealotry, and even the occasional hunting of mundane (or close enough) prey.
- As for daily RP: I must admit that despite my extreme dislike for lords and ladies I've learned something. Players enjoy specific roles, jobs, and niches as it gives them something to do in the meantime when plot isn't being run at that moment, and a purpose to interact with others on some level. As such I'd look into seeing about working players into roles that fit their given concept or the things they'd like to do.
** Guards, farmers, midwives, priests/esses, attendants to the priests, attendants to the chief (the chief will always be an NPC), the war council, medicine wo/men, educators/historians/storytellers, hunters, weavers, potters, carvers, scouts, sacred fools/jesters, et cetera are all things to come to mind.
*** It should be noted that if I were to go forward with this I'd get a very small playerbase so this much may be overthinking. - 1xp to start, and slow, low xp gained over time (passive as well, but anyone that has seen the things I want to do on Goetia they'll see that things won't hit high for 2e xp for a while).
"Meanwhile, we are releasing the Advance PDF of Promethean: the Created Second Edition this Wednesday! Dead parts that are now alive and all that"
@tragedyjones said in The State of the Chronicles of Darkness:
"Meanwhile, we are releasing the Advance PDF of Promethean: the Created Second Edition this Wednesday! Dead parts that are now alive and all that"
Man, someone should open a 2E Promethean MUX.
New here, but must say...very interested in this. Will go back and read soon
Okay, I bought it. It had better be worth it.
@Misadventure said in The State of the Chronicles of Darkness:
Okay, I bought it. It had better be worth it.
Or what!
@Coin said in The State of the Chronicles of Darkness:
@Misadventure said in The State of the Chronicles of Darkness:
Okay, I bought it. It had better be worth it.
Or what!
Or @Coin gets it!!!