Know, learn or guess what your personally vulnerable roleplay topics are.
Don't do RP thats personally vulnerable.
Dont' give out personal details like names, locations, job title.
Don't share any social media, it's a network of places for you and others to make security mistakes.
If there are questions about people you RP wiith, ask them. Ask others. You dont have the believe anyone and you need to remember both manipulative intent, and personal bias.
Remember that these are people, with all the human traits, good and bad.
Remember that you are worthwhile.
Look up manipulation techniques, such as framing everything as what you owe others. Resist them. Discuss what you feel and walk away from those who are repeat offenders.
In game events do not justify bad behavior as a player.
If you are connecting romantically, sexually, or as companionship, it comes with all the risks of using an app to find someone for the same. Stalkers, grifters, users, abusers galore, entitled, jaded, etc
You don't owe anyone your time.
You don't owe anyone anything other than basic good citizenship.
You'll be lucky to finnd some great friends you can suspend all this with.
If you must use other media like discord, ideally create accounts per game.
Do not go on camera.
Do not expect staff to be more trustworthy. Being staff just means they get something done.
They say that nicotine addiction after a certain point is about relieving the withdrawal. If someones "friendship" feels like you are in trouble and then when you do the right thing, it feels better, get away.
Still make friends and delight in how awesome a lot of people are.