Feb 23, 2017, 6:41 PM

A quick brainstorm of pose preference traits:

Posing Style Traits

A few lines
A paragraph
A few paragraphs

I most enjoy poses matching my range of pose length

Poses should stop when there are one to two things to react to
Poses may include long arguments, rants diatribes or other unbroken actions

Write as a narrator with character speaking directly to the audience "Now them Duke Boys were in a whole passel of trouble..."
write as a neutral narrator as in a book

Includes ambience of setting
Included ambient characterization such as gesture, timing, posture, habitual moves

includes emotional reaction cues of character or NPC

Meta perspective on feel or history of a place or NPC

including possible motives and causes and effects with wording as a possibility
includes motives and causes and effects as fact (likely only OOC, but open to dicussion)

mentions or describes accent
poses out enough accent to convey it
lays out the acccent

increases information if the audience is skilled at noticing the given thing vs OOC communication of same

address the poses personally, "you"
use personal pronouns "I"

I can't stand frequent typos
I can't stand frequent homonyms

I can't stand more than 2/5/10/15/20/30 minutes between poses

Response poses should include acknowledgement and reaction to the last pose.

Setting poses should include a reason for characters to interact.
Initial character specific poses after a setting pose should include a reason for the characters to interact.

Small talk, travel, long pauses for NPC or PC action can be narrated over quickly as desired.

I like descriptions of how a character does a task, at least for the first time my character witnesses it, or when how that task is done changes.

Show me your fashion/food/skill use/performance descripotion porn.

I as a player prefer to take the lead in an interaction.
I as a player will take the lead if the other person doesn't.

I make use of and write for minor NPCs in the scene

I want to showcase or demonstrate something about my character or the setting.
I like to support your demonstration of your character or topic within the setting and theme.

I only enjoy poses that are at my skill level or greater