an off duty flag doesn't really preclude getting pages
As most of us know, neither does the dark flag. I know something that does, tho.
@lock/page me=me
There's also a way to turn of @mail notifications. I'm starting to get tired explaining how code works as a defense, and not to people who actually want to know. Learn this shit before going all attacky about how it works, people.
Trying to use code to fix a symptom as if it'll fix the problem is poor form.
Guess who said the following over a dozen times?
Using code to solve a social issue is tricky at best and should only be done if you know what you're doing.
Or this?
I see no harm for trying.
Or, in another thread, this?
You can't responsibly break a rule until you understand it.
If you need a hint, they are all the same person.
Code is a tool implemented to aid a workflow. That's it. That's what it does. It is not there to solve a problem. People are there to solve problems and use code to help implement the solution. Notice I didn't say "to implement" but "to help implement". It is, I will be blunt, ignorant to assume that code, once written, never changes. It wouldn't be a multi-billion dollar industry if code was write-once, solve-thing. Hell, even @Coin is happy to go into the Muxifier and make some changes so that my code workflow is improved. We tweak Myrddin's venerated bboard code so that our workflow improves. When we broke TinyMUX with our overbearing code-heavy "solutions", it was @Chime who upped one number, saw what that broke, and fixed some others.
So sure, say my idea is shitty, but don't put code in the spotlight for something it can never do.