Eldritch - A World of Darkness MUX
I have no plans to 'upgrade' my Wolf-Blooded to full werewolf. Honestly, I think they're a lot more interesting and have tons of potential as they are.
@iceshinagami said:
do subtemplates (Stigmata/Wolfblood) count for the sphere cap? (I assume they do) Is there a waiting list for getting into a sphere?
Ghouls, stigmatics, wolfbloods and mortals/mortal + are all open and unrestricted for the time being, yup. I just answered a question about this a few days past in more detail.
Well before we ever opened @Coin and Theno and I picked the brains of everyone here about how to do sphere caps and if we should have a waiting list. The general consensus was that there was no great way to do a waiting list, so we just went with first-come-first-serve when we do open, though I think we're going to try to give a couple days heads up before we open a sphere, both here and on the game.
Anyway, stop by the game and we can talk if you have questions. I can only speak for me but I've been having a grand time so far.
sorry i missed you replying about it earlier
I'm thinking about it with TR going away, mostly cause I was just hanging onto Nuit as she sat in a corner and gathered dust for... i donno. Sentimental reasons. And the fact that I have actually very little play time at the moment. But maybe that will change... I can wish...
@Eerie: Eerie knows that I'm just buying my time until Changeling 2.0 is released, reviewed, and implemented on Eldritch. Then I can start playing Autumn Court boogeymen left and right!!
I find myself enjoying Eldritch. My werewolf has access to a whole lot of RP - his 'circle' is pretty wide and extends well past his immediate future-pack - and I seem to be receiving actual invites to play with people than I have the time and availability to entertain. That's pretty neat.
Do other players currently there find that to be the case since I guess this could be a skewed, circumstantial view of the state of things?
I have trouble finding RP. I ask on various channels and in the OOC Room and get silence more often than offer. I'm not sure if it's because I'm playing a Lance Vamp, so folks don't want to get all up ins? Or maybe I've just lost my touch.
@EmmahSue I'll have to spend more time lurking in the OOC room to catch you asking for RP then... but I know where you are coming from. Slowly but surely the activity is increasing!
@Templari There is this demon known as Mr. Mayhem that will play with anyone...
@Arkandel said:
I find myself enjoying Eldritch. My werewolf has access to a whole lot of RP - his 'circle' is pretty wide and extends well past his immediate future-pack - and I seem to be receiving actual invites to play with people than I have the time and availability to entertain. That's pretty neat.
Do other players currently there find that to be the case since I guess this could be a skewed, circumstantial view of the state of things?
I only have difficulty finding RP late at night, because it seems like after 10PM everyone pumpkins out on me. Before that, it's pretty easy to find, and I've met lots of people, both for better and for worse.
I have trouble finding RP. I ask on various channels and in the OOC Room and get silence more often than offer. I'm not sure if it's because I'm playing a Lance Vamp, so folks don't want to get all up ins? Or maybe I've just lost my touch.
If you don't mind playing with a non-vamp, I'm game sometime. Try throwing out an idea for something on pub. Most people are willing to get into something if someone else comes up with the idea. Thinking of ways to interact with new people is generally the hardest part.
I've been at this for a little while now, Derp.
I'm not leaving the other half of whatever the RP is to come up with set or reason, no. Shared effort!
@EmmahSue To be honest, I had kinda assumed you already had stuff planned out all along so you wouldn't have time to hang out.
ALSO also, I offered RP and you didn't know I was offering RP!
You crazy kids.
@EmmahSue I believe someone owes me torment.. But when you ask I'm already doing things. This big problem I can see is most people are all available for RP at the same time. Stupid RL.
@EmmahSue said:
I have trouble finding RP. I ask on various channels and in the OOC Room and get silence more often than offer. I'm not sure if it's because I'm playing a Lance Vamp, so folks don't want to get all up ins? Or maybe I've just lost my touch.
That might be it, actually.
I have been having trouble too, ES! I am thinking part of it might be time of day too, at least for me. I don't mind vampires! And I doubt you've lost your touch. I'm Verity there.
I should edit for clarity that I have trouble finding pick up scenes/breaking in with folks I don't already know (since I do know people I can poke to meet up for a scene!) or who don't know me. I'm hoping to break out into RP with new folks though too. I'm sure as population picks up the opportunities will as well. But yeah, I've noticed the drop off in evening activity, but I figure I'll just keep pinging people.
@Ganymede, I can't tell if you're being mean to me or not! Please clarify the intent of your pointed statement.
We do seem to have a rather narrow window of time in which people are truly active. We'll have to see what we can do to broaden that.
@Coin said:
We do seem to have a rather narrow window of time in which people are truly active. We'll have to see what we can do to broaden that.
Stop getting sick, loser.
That and also either pay all of us, or rig it so we win the lottery so people don't have to work and can play more.
@Insomnia said:
That and also either pay all of us, or rig it so we win the lottery so people don't have to work and can play more.
This won't work. I've recently figured out that my productivity in MUing is counter to how much time I've got to do it.
When I was super busy and got home from college at like 11pm every night, I played almost every night at least for a little bit. But when I had tons and tons of time because I was unemployed or nearly unemployed, I didn't play all the time. I usually did other stuff.
It's weird, but I'm more efficient when I have a small amount of time each day to do something. Maybe it's just me.