Now this could just me being all green and naive and stuff, but... Why is it that some people are so anti-Social Combat? I've tended to approach social dice rolls/reactions as being flexible, but still important. If a soldier gets an Exceptional to cut my PC with a switchblade or whatever, regardless of 'omg my agency', I'm going to include an appropriate description of events in my next pose. I expect the same for Mental and Social rolls.
But in my actual experience, I've witnessed some Players just flat out ignore Social rolls*, as if they are of zero consequence. Stuff like:
- Exceptional Intimidation vs failed contest by the PC with Composure 2? 'You don't scare me, in fact <string of insults>!'.
- Good Subterfuge vs a 0-suxx contest? 'There's something shifty about that guy!'.
- Empathy to suss out PC motivations or glean info about the hierarchy within a group? HAH. As if.
Allow me to put my cop uniform on and say: maybe it's just bad RP, or at least conflicting styles. Because the Players who can 1) understand that conflict and tension and failure can create interesting opportunities for play and character development, 2) use dice to add a randomised element to their creative writing, almost like an improv prompt, are usually playing the more compelling characters and able to support plotlines which are rich, unexpected and collaborative.
Meaning sometimes ya push, sometimes ya pull: but it's all a matter of figuring out how to tell a story, not necessarily your story.
But I dunno. I'm probably burnt out on experiences where Fancy MacNeverlose is willing to overlook dice results, mechanics and thematic setting in order to come out on top as the realm's Most Best Fellow, with their unwavering fearlessness (WP: 3) and wisdom (literally kicking a wasps nest) and social astuteness (wasp nest is owned by a known Sensitive & Vengeful Wasp Lord).
It really breaks thematic immersion for me, and can make developing Social PC and investing in social-focused Professional Training feel like a huge waste of time. Nobody ignores L5 damage! Why, why is it so hard to express your PC feeling the sting of a Exceptional Intimidation or whatever?
(*Major caveat: anything to do with seduction and PCs. If both Players haven't consented to this? Fuck. That. Noise. Use that shit on NPCs if you must, and throw it in between consenting players for funsies if you want to randomize how suave/gawky your PCs are acting in the moment, but for the love of Glob, don't pull that nonsense on the unsuspecting. Maaaaajorly creepy x infinity.)