Comics Stuff
Honestly, if I were Disney, that's more or less what I would do, too. After the Fantastic Four, I'd be tweaking some characters to hell so they wouldn't necessarily fall afoul of the licensing agreement, but so that I could have an iteration of them that isn't part of ... that whole thing.
I mean, it's not like I couldn't retcon them back into their old selves when/if I get them back, because Wanda is kind of a walking cosmic etch-a-sketch.
- 4 months later
So... four months down the line, I am faced with a problem I haven't had in over... well, more than six years: Choosing which DC comics to subscribe to without it being too expensive, because suddenly too many of them are actually good. For the first time in... forever. Rebirth really did turn out to be what they promised it would be.
Well... so far.
@Vorpal What do you like about Rebirth? I've been out of comics for a long time; hype it up for me.
DC has done a lot to tempt me back into new comics lately, I stopped buying new in 2011 and for the most part feel I made the right choice, but first with Future Quest and now with what I hear about the Rebirth stuff I found my self fighting the urge to stop by the shop on Wednesday.
Is there a support group out there for this? Comicholics anonymous anyone? -
@Arkandel The best I can tell you is that Rebirth is essentially a 180 from the direction they were taking with the New 52. Instead of running away from the legacy, stories and relationships that built up the characters, Rebirth more or less is working towards bringing them back. I really do recommend you get yourself a copy of Rebirth #1- the one Johns said he'd refund you if you didn't like it. What happens in that issue basically sold my skeptical ass on the idea behind Rebirth completely, and so far the execution has been living up to it.
Then, you have a miracle. Greg Rucka walked away from DC when Didiot gave away Wonder Woman: Earth One to Grant Morrison after having promised it to Rucka in exchange for some grunt work. RUcka swore he would never work with DC again after that.
And then the Finch run of Wonder Woman happened, which has gone on record as being the worst Wonder Woman run since the Khaniger days... and Didio must have performed some satanic ritual and signed away his ballsack, because Greg Rucka has come back and is basically in full control of the Wonder Woman book. And it's good.
The Teen Titans ended this month after a five year run that was an abomination at the hands of Lobdell and then "Amazons Attack" Pfeiffer. The book is Rebirthing in October and it actually looks like a lot of fun. The Titans book (not the teen titans... sounds confusing but it isn't, the Teen Titans are basically the Wolfman era Titans minus Dick plus Damian. The Titans are the classic Titans) is very good, too.
And then you have The New Superman, which follows the equivalent of the Chinese Superman. Three issues in, I'm loving every moment of it.
They also brought Marv Wolfman in to write a Raven mini series that takes place between the end of the Teen Titans book and the start of the new Teen Titans run. Issue one shows Marv has still got it.
It's a very rare moment right now. A lot of what DC is doing right now is good. I haven't said those words since, maybe, 2009... maybe even longer. I'd say enjoy it while it lasts- Marvel is currently doing not-so-hot with their Civil War II fiasco, which is bogging down the entire line with its gloom, doom and haven't-we-done-this-already?
I suspect Marvel and DC are like the Graeae from Greek mythology. Except that, instead of an eye, they pass a brain back and forth between them. Marvel had a great comic run in the past few years, now it must be DC's turn.
I really wish they would learn to share, though. When was the last time the two of them were putting out consistently great stuff at the same time?
@Vorpal said in Comics Stuff:
The Titans book (not the teen titans... sounds confusing but it isn't, the Teen Titans are basically the Wolfman era Titans minus Dick plus Damian. The Titans are the classic Titans) is very good, too.
No Tim?
@Arkandel Tim is around, but...
I can't spoil it for you. He's being prepped for a major role in what will happen in Rebirth. He can't be with the Titans right now for some very valid reasons but...
Trust me, he's getting a lot of love as a character. You're just going to have to pick up some titles.
@Vorpal said in Comics Stuff:
It's a very rare moment right now. A lot of what DC is doing right now is good. I haven't said those words since, maybe, 2009... maybe even longer. I'd say enjoy it while it lasts- Marvel is currently doing not-so-hot with their Civil War II fiasco, which is bogging down the entire line with its gloom, doom and haven't-we-done-this-already?
Jesus Christ I wish Civil War II would just END. THIS WASN'T GOOD THE FIRST TIME, MARVEL.