Jul 24, 2017, 10:54 PM

Quick poll question for my own curiosity/theory/purposes

It is my opinion that large, cattle-call superhero MUs fail because there are too many options to enable a cohesive environment. That, ultimately, too many options leads to difficulties with plottage, clique factions, characters that don't fit with the setting, etc.


Would you prefer a more limited roster superhero game with more focus over the massive net of Multiverse-type games?

Examples include:

  • ONLY Gotham setting with staff utilizing villains vs PCs
  • A game with ONLY mutants with two PC factions, Xavier's/Brotherhood with staff utilizing villains (Purifiers, Brood, etc) vs PCs
  • Avengers (Initiative|Avengers|S.H.I.E.L.D.) vs Hydra (Thunderbolts|Hydra) with staff covering villains vs PCs
  • Agents of SHIELD
  • ONLY Justice League/Titans
  • Original theme game focusing on one or two factions with villains for each faction to fight (each other, ally against, etc)

There's plenty of ways this can be done, these are just examples. The examples aren't the point.

YES means "I would prefer a more limited roster, more focused setting hero MU" or this sounds like a great idea.

NO means "I prefer Super games that incorporate large rosters, either within one or more comic book universe, and across multiple teams within those universes, or I wouldn't be willing to try a smaller roster setting.

I DONT HAVE INTEREST... is the option for people who dont care about super hero MUs so that their no votes don't pollute the polling pool.