The usual suspect women always go instantly. While I'm sure part of that is everyone's desire to do creepy mindrape on Emma, it's more a reflection on the sexism of comics, where the raw #s just don't favor them. Remember, it took more than a decade to get to Storm from Jean Grey being the team's 'OMG a girl!' (literally their reaction in #1), and to the 80s before they had any kind of variety (Kitty, Dazzler, Rachel, then Rogue and eventually the few more that come in with the New Mutants). If we're talking Gotham, it's probably even worse, since they were pretty much all sexy villains, although it's also a slightly unfair comparison since Gotham isn't a team setting, it's... Batman.
Gotham is a full DC game though, so there's probably more options left there than there are on Mutant Genesis, particularly since it's focused not just on Gotham but the whole Flashpoint storyline which involves all the Amazons and Atlanteans and pretty much the whole world. There are more canon mutants than bat-fam, but they also get to 'Who?' tier pretty fast, and I think the popular ladies were gone on Genesis in the first few hours, let alone days.