@SinCerely Just mark up the prices enough to make a profit regardless of how it fluctuates. Find the lowest price you can sell at and still make a profit at your peak cost and set it there.
Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.
@SinCerely Just mark up the prices enough to make a profit regardless of how it fluctuates. Find the lowest price you can sell at and still make a profit at your peak cost and set it there.
@SinCerely Materials at time of manufacture, labour at at least minimum wage, plus thirty to sixty percent.
I have a peeve that will be exceptionally relatable.
"Sleeping funny" shouldn't mean half my body is now in pain. I'm not that old!
@Tinuviel said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
I have a peeve that will be exceptionally relatable.
"Sleeping funny" shouldn't mean half my body is now in pain. I'm not that old!
Update! So it turns out I've pinched a nerve and it's gotten inflamed.
So. That's fair. -
Vent peeve.
I wish I knew how to help someone with anxiety.
I mean, I have anxiety. So from a personal perspective, I know there's pretty much nothing someone else in my life can really do to help if I'm in bad shape. Right now, though, I'm fine. I have spoons in spades. My mana bar for providing others with emotional labour could not be fuller.
Unfortunately, I have other friends with similar issues (because like attracts like I guess) who are not in good shape and I don't know how to help them. If I could just give them my spoons, I would. I've been reaching out and saying, 'Hey, if you need someone to talk to, I am here for you, friend.' But they're just not able to accept that help right now and while personal experience means I rationally know I can't be mad at them for it, it is just so frustrating.
I am a spanner friend. I need to fix people's problems. Accepting I can't is the hardest thing.
@HelloProject Hey, my husband a sound engineer. I can ask him. Give me as many details as you can! (Feel free to DM me because we will FILL this board with audio nerd chatter).
“It’s only the immune compromised and old that are likely to die, don’t worry.”
Like me. I am the person you are referring to here. I can hear you, thanks.
@Sunny I really hate this. Yeah, thanks for making it clear just how expendable you consider the ill and/or elderly, who are really often in a position to see these 'reassurances'.
... yeah, like, I’m no PR person, but aren’t those groups the people which society tries to protect and often hits the polls?
They are also me. Personally. People are saying in my hearing it’s okay if I die. Politics aside, it’s a shit ass thing to say.
Here, they are saying old and sick... And then saying they are going to bring nurses out of retirement to work. Erm. Three people today independently wondered if they are trying to reduce pension costs.
While I think it's a really poor way of phrasing it, I think it's being said to try to stop these people who are wiping out CostCo and drug stores of cold/flu supplies for themselves and their kids (aka the not-at-risk groups), thus putting the at-risk groups further at-risk.
I don’t really care why someone is reassuring someone else that I’m the one that’s going to die. There is such a thing as expecting unreasonable amounts of understanding, and this is definitely over that line. Besides the fact that no, you are incorrect in your assumption of what the reasoning is, not all the conversations I have actually overheard (amazing, my peeve actually gasp happened directly to me) had anything to do with stockpiling. So no.
ETA: I am allowed to be pissed off that people are saying this shit. What the fuck with encouraging understanding of ‘it’s okay you are going to die’? I am allowed to take up space.
You're right, I'm sorry.
Everything is about you specifically.
Every single time this conversation has occurred, every single time I have seen it referenced, every single time I have heard it IRL, seen it on Twitter, seen it referenced on blogs or in articles, it has been about you and only you.
You are the only person that matters and I apologize for forgetting that. -
Got to admit that as a chronically ill person I'm getting a little tired of "Don't worry, only immuno-compromised people will die." But, I'm still not believing in the coronacalypse. Flu is a far greater threat to me at the time being.
I am hearing the people here but...
My students are terrified. They talk about it every recess.
We even had a little girl bring a mask to school because she has a chronic cough and that was their compromise between her washing her hands every time she coughed and keeping her home from school. My students all thought she had the virus.
Telling them that as children they're very safe is one of the only tools I have as an educator. I am sorry it hurts people, but my tool box is empty in the fact of something that kids just can't understand/grasp at their developmental level.
People who feel the need to stockpile are going to do so regardless. Lying to them doesn't help and is likely to backfire.
I mean, as long as you're not saying it in the earshot of kids who are immuno-compromised, I don't really see an issue? I mean, unless you're saying it in front of the high-risk kids (or the kids whose parents have cancer, or -- so on), but I don't think that's something you'd do.
TBH, I'm not even mentioning the immunocompromised part. Just a blanket, "So far kids are safe."
It isn't true. I know it isn't true. But I know my kids. If I say "these kids but not these kids" there are going to be problems.
I don't know how else to help them feel safe.