fucking bugs.
I have to ask the complex send an exterminator out every couple of weeks because of bugs. I know it's not me. I've never had an issue with bugs before to begin with. I clean. I'm not a neat freak, but I clean. I tidy up regularly and I try to clean the place once a week. It's not OMG clean, but there's no trash left lying around, the floors are kept decently clean.
It's not me.
But I am almost certain it's my neighbor.
The bugs began appearing a month, month and a half after they moved in.
And they leave trash outside their front door.
I'm not talking like, a single trashbag waiting to carry out to the dumpster. That's fine. I do that. Sometimes I clean late at night, so I put the bag out to carry out the next morning. No, I mean... for example for a week straight there was a WingStop bag that was greasy/damp on the lower half and multiple (used) diapers. Like, just lying loose. Like they just opened the door and tossed the diaper out to sit on the walkway. A few other trash items, too, but those are the ones that stood out.
And it all sat there. For a week. And this is a regular thing. Food bags, random trash items, trash bags that get torn open (wildlife) and lie there for days at a time.
I dunno at what point the complex is gonna start inspecting other apartments due to the bugs, but I hope it's soon. (And yes, I have reported it to the apartment management, but nothing's been done that I know of yet.)