Dec 8, 2020, 7:55 PM

Making character sheets.

Specifically WoD.

I've been invited to a Vampire VTT. It's a cool concept. And I really enjoyed the last Vampire VTT I was in a handful of years ago.

But I really, really hate making WoD sheets. Like, so much.

I sat here thinking 'If I could pay someone on Fiverr $5 to do this, I totally would.'

There are people on Fiverr who will do your char sheet for you, but it's all D&D*. So, hey, if you really enjoy making WoD characters: there's a side hustle opportunity for you.

*OK, so of the 9 people who will write a character sheet for you... all are D&D but 1 will also do Star Wars FFG. But that's it! No other game systems!