Feb 6, 2019, 5:46 AM


Urgh, I am sorry. Yeah, pro-booze then. And that somewhat sounds like what we did end up doing because family just kept pushing... and pushing. It became 'potluck in the park' essentially. I made family pay for it. All I paid for was the officiant because ultimately it became 'This isn't what I wanted' anymore. (and while I kinda wish I'd been more firm, I was just so tired by that point and the ex-husband just wanted it to stop, too)

All you can do is stand your ground: your wedding is yours. It's for you two, the couple. It is not for her, period. Full-stop. Do not pass go, do not collect $200.

Focus on doing you. Focus on friends. Focus on the family that will be there (like y'all's parents). And, hey, if you trust whichever of your parents is directly related to her? Talk to them. I finally confided in my dad how much I could not deal with his sister because of how she'd been treating me and the last time I saw her, she was a million times better than she had been the previous times. Sometimes it takes their own sibling going 'hey, leave my kid alone' and being reminded that you are a goddamn adult and it's not some 'co-parenting' situation.