As a number of you know (due to recent discussions), I have OCD. And the anxiety that goes with it (also goes with my major depression, woo!).
At work, this shows up sometimes with the issue of my desk. I have only a few items on my desk, but they are arranged just so. And my desk height (we have those desks that can be programmed at a specific height) is programmed just so. I don't touch anything on anyone else's desk unless I have to leave them a note or similar and in turn, I expect my desk not to be touched. Both because of my OCD and because, IMO, it's common courtesy not to touch someone's desk.
Everyone has their own desk, but for some unknown reason, one of my coworkers keeps working at mine and not her own. I've asked a few of the people (she and I work on different shifts) why she does this, but no one knows. Just that she does.
She moves the monitors around. She changes the desk height. My things are changed around. I once had brought a pack of gum in, but after 80% of it disappeared to other people, I decided never to do that again.
I'm on a 'performance plan' currently for poor teamwork because 'some of [my] coworkers feel nervous working with me because I get angry if my desk is changed around.' Now, I've spoken to who I can (again, she and I largely are never on the same shift: happens maybe once a month) since I was put on this action plan.
One guy has said he actively prefers to work with me out of anyone else in the office.
Another said he has never noticed me being 'angry' or anything of the sort and seemed downright confused by the whole thing.
The third was wholly sympathetic because his wife also has anxiety and OCD issues.
It leaves two others: the girl who keeps using my desk (and is likely the source of the complaint) and one other guy.
I tried explaining the OCD and anxiety to my boss and just got a 'ha ha you just need to let go of the small things' brush off in response. So it looks like I need to resurface my medical accommodation paperwork (it got stalled because I think my doctor felt weird about doing mental health paperwork, but finding a psychiatrist or psychologist locally who doesn't want to be paid out of pocket up front around here has been v. difficult) and slap my boss with it.
But seriously: am I alone in that I expect people to just not fuck with the things on my desk? Does everyone just freely mess with other peoples' shit at work and is totally chill about having theirs messed with? Because he seriously tried to make it out like I was and I wholeheartedly think he was talking out his ass. No one wants to come into work to find their shit in disarray day after day and when you're talking about 'teamwork,' it makes you feel like you're the joke of the team and the outsider.