Being the kind of idiot who waits until she's hungry to start working on a casserole that needs an hour in the oven. This is not how adults survive.
Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.
Finding out someone who preyed on you as a child is now part of your community again.
Truly grateful that someone told me, so I didn't have to worry about accidentally bumping into them, but god damn it.
@solstice said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
Finding out someone who preyed on you as a child is now part of your community again.
- 7 days later
Being the kind of idiot who waits until she's hungry to start working on a casserole that needs an hour in the oven. This is not how adults survive.
@greenflashlight It is how we do, though.
Nonsense. This is exactly how adults survive.
I mean, it ain't thriving, but when is it ever.
You are not alone in your idiocy, I think most people are this sort of idiot.
I'm the kind of idiot who starts prepping and cooking a thing only to discover that I don't actually have parsnips, or whatever, and I really should go to the store and get some... Instead of checking I had all the ingredients I needed before hand.
@tinuviel said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
I'm the kind of idiot who starts prepping and cooking a thing only to discover that I don't actually have parsnips, or whatever, and I really should go to the store and get some... Instead of checking I had all the ingredients I needed before hand.
My partner does this and it nearly drives me to distraction regularly. If he had CHECKED if we had tortillas before starting tacos, he would not have to be mad that we're out of them, and I wouldn't have to rush up to the store to get them before dinner is ready.
@sunny said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
@tinuviel said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
I'm the kind of idiot who starts prepping and cooking a thing only to discover that I don't actually have parsnips, or whatever, and I really should go to the store and get some... Instead of checking I had all the ingredients I needed before hand.
My partner does this and it nearly drives me to distraction regularly. If he had CHECKED if we had tortillas before starting tacos, he would not have to be mad that we're out of them, and I wouldn't have to rush up to the store to get them before dinner is ready.
Well maybe if you kept the pantry stocked with all the random bits and bobs I might hypothetically need, we wouldn't be in this problem!
@tinuviel said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
Well maybe if you kept the pantry stocked with all the random bits and bobs I might hypothetically need, we wouldn't be in this problem!
In my household, I keep the pantry stocked, the kitchen operational, the dishes washed, and the household clean.
To no one's surprise, my PCs tend to be very good at keeping shit in order, but generally enjoy hurting others physically and emotionally.
@ganymede said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
@tinuviel said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
Well maybe if you kept the pantry stocked with all the random bits and bobs I might hypothetically need, we wouldn't be in this problem!
In my household, I keep the pantry stocked, the kitchen operational, the dishes washed, and the household clean.
To no one's surprise, my PCs tend to be very good at keeping shit in order, but generally enjoy hurting others physically and emotionally.
Well in my household apparently all those chores are expected to be done by fucking magic or something. Because I know my family, who love me very much and I tolerate them, wouldn't expect me to do all that work in the brief time window after I come home from work and before I start working on my assignments and full-time study...
Under similar conditions, I also completed my graduate degree in economics.
I am simply a very angry person most of the time.
@ganymede said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
Under similar conditions, I also completed my graduate degree in economics.
I am simply a very angry person most of the time.
I am a very tired person most of the time. Which makes me grumpy. I don't have the energy for actual anger anymore.
Back to school night, and maybe one in ten of us were masked up. A couple of unmasked fathers in line in front of us before the doors opened were loudly scoffing about counties that had mandated it and a few other maskless parents were generally being passhole aggressholes and making snide remarks juuuust loud enough to hear.
You know, in the middle of a big uptick in cases in the state and the wildfire spread of the Delta variant.
Boy, am I excited for this school year.
@wizz Jesus, on the one hand I can't wait for schools to open again out here. On the other... I really, really don't want anything to open until it's totally 110% over.
Australia hasn't got the death toll as can be found in other places, but we don't have the population either. It's still horrifying over here.
Came home.
SWAT is at the neighbor's house.
Been sitting waiting to get to my house, which is completely blocked off, for three hours.
And counting.
Cops in front of me.
Cops behind me.
Can't get out.
I am hungry.
And thirsty.
And tired.
And I have to pee.
@ganymede said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
In my household, I keep the pantry stocked, the kitchen operational, the dishes washed, and the household clean.
I hate a disorganized kitchen. I also hate washing dishes, having been a dishwasher at a snooty restaurant as a teenager, but I hate a disorganized kitchen more, so I do the damned dishes like clockwork. It's the only organized place in my entire apartment actually.
I also worked in food service as waitstaff and as a cook. I have worked as a Walmart associate. I have worked in a movie theater. I have worked as a camp counselor and director. I have worked as a lifeguard. I have worked as a bar-back, bartender, and a DJ. I have worked as a teacher. I have worked as a professor. And I have worked as a lawyer.
I have worked, and worked, and worked. And nothing feels better to me than taking an hour to cook and clean and do things right in my house.
It sucks on the one hand; it feels great on the other.
@ganymede yep that's where I am now, now that I am no longer drop dead exhausted after work and get home in time to reasonably cook dinner. It's been nice to have that little breather right before my oldest 3 are off to college--they've even remarked on it, that it's been nice to have a mama-cooked dinner almost every night, something that they've not really experienced more than 1 or 2 times a week for the last 5 ish years. It feels good to clean up/put stuff away/be able to do some upkeep too, I forgot how calming that can be for me personally, I've just been not able to do that regularly for a long time due to stress/illness/ect.
I'm sure this is just a window of time for this to happen but I'm enjoying it while I can.
"Above all, the Way of the Samurai should be in being aware that you do not know what is going to happen next, and in querying every item day and night. Victory and defeat are matters of the temporary force of circumstances."
Writing journal entries for my PC has helped me discover some of the most enlightening bits and pieces ever.