Behold, the majestic Callisto.
This is my Fish kitty. She is a majestic creature who loves long walks on the beach, plastic bags, string, and blogging.
Real Life sucks, have more cats:
@kanye-qwest I demand that you post a link to that short video you shared right after you got Braum. The one where he was being a very fierce puppy with a plush toy you that you were holding!
@faceless She was too cute to pass up! I mean, uh, obviously a twinner here! Yeah, that's what it is!
Have more Fish kitty!
p.s your kitty was adorable
so sorry for the loss
p.s your kitty was adorable
so sorry for the loss
Nah, she's better off. She wasn't doing well toward the end. Stopped cleaning herself, stopped trying to make it to her litter box. She's better. I miss her, but she's better. Mind, that's not my saying: your sympathies are unappreciated. It's just me being what I be: a realist. She's better off.
She was the first (and probably only) cat that made me not dislike cats. I'm pro-dog. She was a cat, but she was very firm and adamant about what she wanted and I have a weakness for strong women. So she was just like "you're my dude now" and I was just like "okay, let's do this".
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@kanye-qwest That one! Fierce puppy with ferocious growls.
@kanye-qwest said in Critters!:
@packrat This one?
Damn it all, I want a dog again. I've missed the play-growling.
@kanye-qwest said in Critters!:
@packrat This one?
Damn it all, I want a dog again. I've missed the play-growling.
He does this playful grumpy growl now, when he's upset we are leaving or not playing or just very happy to see us. Mrrr mrrrr mrr grwwwl.
This video makes me miss his puppy nonsense. Bonus Grog Strongjaw in the background.
@faceless Can totally understand that. I've been in a similar boat with a kitty once and it is never fun to see a beloved part of the family struggle.
She was the kitty that was sent to change your mind about kitties. I've seen it happen before, cats have a really strong PR team. Do not resist.
This is how I always GM.
@faceless Can totally understand that. I've been in a similar boat with a kitty once and it is never fun to see a beloved part of the family struggle.
She was the kitty that was sent to change your mind about kitties. I've seen it happen before, cats have a really strong PR team. Do not resist.
Pretty much, yes. She came as a result of my meeting the now-Mrs. Faceless. She apparently went roughly 7-8 years without ever claiming a companion. Mrs. Faceless had George. He's her cat. Enough so that when she ran off to college, he had to be put on kitty anti-depressants because he was super depressed constantly and wouldn't stop pissing on people's stuff.
Then Zoe and I met and she became my cat. If we're talking old pets though... lemme find one of my old ones.
@kanye-qwest said in Critters!:
@auspice You have pretty cats!
Thank you. Ike (the black one) is the prettiest, as I tell her on a regular basis. >.> (I admit I am totally biased tho.)
Crap quality picture, but it's a picture that's roughly two decades old. So, uh, suck it.
Roscoe. He was great fun and frankly an awesome learning experience as a teenager. Plus, I got to watch a monkey hump the shit out of the back of my brother's head. So, I mean, those memories are important to have in life.
@saosmash you ALSO have a pretty cat, omg those eyes.
And, of all of the videos I have taken of Noodle, our newest Klee Kai baby, this one is clearly the most adorable:
This is what she looks like now. Or, well, as of ... yesterday:
and here is a bonus Puddin, her older sister: