And.... how is the game coming along? It's been two days. That's many hours.
A New Star Wars game? (Legends of The Old Republic (Name pending))
And.... how is the game coming along? It's been two days. That's many hours.
@haven Game is coming along slow and steady still got people trying to hunt down a clean DB, but for the time being I'm just trucking along on getting what I can done while I can. I'm every bit of work I'm doing right now is stuff I can transfer over if they come through with the clean DB just as easily as leaving it with the one we got if they don't.
- 12 days later
Fresh update: We had some issues with the god bit that caused progress to grind to a halt for the last about two weeks. We've more or less got it solved so we should be able to get right back on track.
@mr-johnson Any timeline on when this game is open for beta/alpha what-not?
Apologies if it's been asked and answered already, skimmed and didn't see it.
@blondebot We were hoping to launch around the middle of april or start of may. Due to massive setbacks we're going to be now shooting for middle of may or the start of June. Sadly these things tend to happen when you're working on a project without code experience and have to rely on peoples often filled timetables. Luckily there's not a super massive amount of work that needs done and we can get that out of the way fairly quickly so long as I can focus on it, and figure out all the commands I need to get things shifted round.
- 12 days later
Alright so I've been trying to get things done more or less solo and at the moment what I need to launch is as follows:
I need to figure out a way to fix the +time code to reflect the proper IC date. The code's a bit complicated and I don't entirely understand how it works.
Need to temporarily disable fast travel since to start we're just going to have one planet and two ships so we can keep the game nice and in focus. Then I just need to figure out how to properly apply the desc's I have written up.
Need to go through and redesc a fair wack of items to remove the references to incidents post the Old Republic Era. I feel this will allow us to have item and armor variety without disabling half the DB to remove the anachronistic gubbins.
Figure out how the starting level code works on this and: Remove level 1 as an option, then make it so people can either start at Level 4 or if they're applying a 'leadership role' level 11
edit the news and help files to reflect the fact it's a kotor game.
and set up the proper factions we're going to use.
Soon as I get that done we're pretty much golden to launch. If anyone can help me with some of that it'd be greatly appreciated.
Now optional things that I'd like done but will put on hold so we can get a timely launch:
I'd like to figure out how to change what requires flags to learn, and fix up Force Lightning to make it much more common as it is in the games.
Strip out a fair wack of the house ruleing that came with the DB as some of it kind of breaks the system a bit.
Re-do the history files to reflect the different setting.
That's all that I really need to do before we're ready to launch.
@mr-johnson Glad to hear there's good progress, sounds like you've got a good, reasonable list of to-dos. I think a couple of the things that you're trying to do might be easier than you expect.
For fast travel, for instance, I don't think you need to fully disable the system, just take everything but the two ships and one planet off the system. Alternatively, just not list any locations as fast travel locations (I believe that it's just a Boolean setting in the room itself.
While you're looking at gear, check out the Deathhammer pistol (yes, this is a personal pet peeve of mine). It's a better "heavy blaster pistol" that is also cheaper and easier to get.
There's a list of d20flags that are applied to every new character at start--you can just add force_lightning_ok to this list.
If you need some help with anything -- well, I'm not a coder, but I can help with room descs and the like. And I've got a crapton of experience with the Saga Edition rules set.
- 22 days later
Just wondering if there was any update on this project?
@zombiegenesis The update is I'm spinning my wheels and bashing my head against a wall trying to figure out how to change anything. Whole lot of zero progress has been made because I don't understand what I'm working with. For the moment consider this project on indefinite hiatus.
That's too bad. If you don't mind my asking, is it a code thing? Trying to get the system to do what you want? Or other stuff? Just curious.
@mr-johnson Yeah wassup?
It's a "I keep smashing my head on a brick wall trying to figure out how to get it to do what I want and not making progress" thing. I know WHAT I need to do, I just can't make it do what I want because I've got the coding skill of a dead goldfish.
@mr-johnson i am sure if you reached out to the coders here they could help you get a better grasp of what ever it is you are having prpblems with.