I have done the 'fallen asleep during scenes' before.
I have also wandered off during scenes. ADD is real. I don't really cotton to the whole 'hee hee bio break!' OOC comments 'cause, c'mon y'all, errbody's gotta pee sometimes!
...problem is that I will be like: 'well, lemme go put this stuff in the sink before I sit back down.'
'...eh, I might as well load the dishwasher while I'm at it, I bet it's not my pose yet. Everyone's been slow.'
'Shit, I haven't unloaded the dishwasher.'
And then suddenly my need to clean the whole kitchen is triggered.
Which might turn into a need to clean the floors.
Which turns into a need to clean the whole living room.
And if I'm at it, I might as well vacuum the bedroom.
And if I have to do that, I need to clean the rest of the bedroom.
So suddenly it's a few hours later and- <gestures>
As for pose bloopers, I've never mispaged/posed a TS pose, but there was one once sent to an OOC room of which I was the intended target. But my name was not in it. >.> Thank god for small favors! Still mildly terrifying.
I have had the slew of briefly-horrifying-but-later-hilarious typos. Like pees instead of peers. That one's always great. Or shit instead of shirt ('takes her shit off' is always fun after the initial "oh god no I didn't mean...").