@krmbm it's like you're suggesting this isn't reasonable
Don't be.
@ganymede Doesn't seem to happen to me either.
Granted, that's probably because I regularly app in with my RL wife and aren't afraid to mention the fact on channels, but I've noticed that my characters get hit on a LOT less ICly now that I MU* with my wife. I mean, I'm probably not going to pursue an IC romantic relationship anyhow, but I enjoy the flirting RP, dang it.
(Yes, I know that when you're the constant, the problem is usually you, and it could very well be in this case.)
@seraphim73 It's probably not personal to you as much as -- plenty of RPers have had awkward experiences in regards to getting involved with a PC where there's a RL married couple in the mix. And it can make them shy away from that in the future.
@roz Yeah, doesn't surprise me. I've had good experiences the couple of times I've talked to the players of characters my PCs were crushing on. Just frustrating to lose out on a lot of that sort of RP, but that's a gripe, not a blooper. Whoops!
Guess that's a blooper now.
@seraphim73 I think I might be in the same boat, heh.
The time I was in a plot and ordered to do something. I didn't pose doing it, or even trying, but somehow the resolution to the plot was having done that thing and all the accolades and praise I got for doing it...when I didn't....No one did.
Ahaha I found the link to the epic porn mav I mentioned. This is truly not safe for work, and definitely comes with some trigger warnings
@jinshei really? that seems kind of tame. It was also short!
Tame, agreed. But wacky in its own right, in a fairly high concentration.
I mean. I'm sitting here thinking 'at least they got the temperature right if it's a vampire', and recalling the 'hot vampiric seed' incident from the 90s that briefly broke my brain on the '...but but but but but <headsplode for all the reasons>' with the same eye-crossy WTF impulse it caused 20 years ago. And giggling. There will always be giggling.
They didn't even mention beefdarts or turgid manhood. Or effluvia. There was pulsing though at least.
I mean when a drag queen can talk about taking hot oil to the scrotum on Bon Appetit...
our bloopers need more oomph.
So today ... I can't stop giggling at this.
I was really fucking dumb
I CGed into this mush. About 45 minutes after submitting there was a forum post about not trying to app a particular thing and I 100% thought it was directed at my app and I got uncharacteristically mad about it
and logged off.
Then after handling my blood sugar I was like "oh that was fucking stupid of me" so I went back to apologize.
Except that when I went to apologize, I did so using the Ares web client which has a big fucking stop sign on it saying "DO NOT USE!!" That I somehow didn't even notice, even though it's like RIGHT FUCKING THERE
Anyway! My account got nuked after that (between being an asshole and totally dense) and I'm just in gigglefits over this new level of stupidity I have found within myself.
Oh, this must be Wildfire Cove.
That place is so many kinds of nuts.
@krmbm It was! I apped a "Lazy Trust Funder" and then the forum post literally said, "No more apps of people who have a lot of money they didn't earn themselves I am so sick of it." And I thought to myself, "Wow. What a nice welcome here!"
But then it was a total coincidence and my app was actually about to be approved.
So then when I went to apologize I broke Fucking Rule #1 - DO NOT USE THE WEBSITE PORTAL!
Insta-ban. Worst first impression ever.
I don't--
Why? Is the web portal forbidden???