The ADD/ADHD Thread (cont'd from Peeves)
@Auspice @insomniac7809 It also hooked me pretty early by being instantly relatable... but I also understand just not having the right buttons to do something. It was a late night clicking things stumble of an article.
@Wretched I identify with so much of this.
Welp, that certainly nails why I'm the only person in my family who isn't running around with their hair on fire in any given emergency...
@surreality Yeah, my wife knows I am chaos, but the moment she gets hurt or there is an emergency she says i completely transform into her rock. Do what needs to be done right now.
Let's admit it, that one's extra funny because all the seemingly flaky scatterbrained stuff makes it seem like we'd just be THE WORST EVER in an actual crisis.
And yet no.
Like, somehow I managed to be the person freaking out the least while almost dying a few years back. I mean... how was I the only one with their shit together under those circumstances?
Most days:
- Other People: Shit together.
- Me: AUGH LALALAZOOOMnoI'mfinereally,what?no I just, shhh, shinY!
- Me: Zen Focus I got this. Zen Focus.
This is also me. I take forever to decide what I want to eat until it's crunch time, etc.
But the moment there is crisis? Boom! Focus, snap decision making, take control of what there is to be controlled.
(tbh I always just assumed I had a delayed adrenal response. maaaaaaaybe that's not the case.)

@Wretched I think of these as mental horseflies in need of a flick of ponytail, yes.
I've been having one of those nights where every little thing is annoying. Notifications? Infuriating.
The sound of the air conditioner faintly rattling outside the window?
Maddening.I haven't had one of these in a while (thankfully).
@Auspice I am told this is a symptom of sensory Overload
@Wretched said in The ADD/ADHD Thread (cont'd from Peeves):
@Auspice I am told this is a symptom of sensory Overload
It's like... my brain is ready for me to slip into a hyperfocus (why couldn't it happen at work????), but it can't manage to filter shit out so it's just.... anger. lots of anger.
@Auspice Ahh yes, the directionless rage. That is specifically what i smoke weed for, its my substance abuse get out of bad mood free card. My therapist and i are working on other paths, but in an emergency... ahhhh.
The tool I'm documenting at work has a timeout of roughly 15 minutes.
My day is roughly going:
- Login
- Look at what I've got written, start formulating what the screenshot / walkthrough I need to grab is
- Get distracted
- Login
- Grab screenshot, edit
- Realize I really wanted a slightly different screenshot
- Login
- ........
TO MY JOB'S CREDIT, we wanted to extend the timeout to an hour but apparently that goes against Amazon's business practices.
New Job wants me to do X, then Y between calls for X, but while I keep track of Z... while not actually giving me the full directions to do X or Z.
Big Sekrits time... How many of you dive into typing a pose before you have any idea what your character is actually gonna do? Just type whatever pops in your head at the moment apropos to the situation, developing the action and text only as it's coming out of your fingers.
@Wretched said in The ADD/ADHD Thread (cont'd from Peeves):
Big Sekrits time... How many of you dive into typing a pose before you have any idea what your character is actually gonna do? Just type whatever pops in your head at the moment apropos to the situation, developing the action and text only as it's coming out of your fingers.
I don't edit or spellcheck either.
*this only pertains to my PCs, not ST'd shit.
@Auspice said in The ADD/ADHD Thread (cont'd from Peeves):
@Wretched said in The ADD/ADHD Thread (cont'd from Peeves):
Big Sekrits time... How many of you dive into typing a pose before you have any idea what your character is actually gonna do? Just type whatever pops in your head at the moment apropos to the situation, developing the action and text only as it's coming out of your fingers.
I don't edit or spellcheck either.
*this only pertains to my PCs, not ST'd shit.
I've found I don't have much problem with spellcheck, but holy cow do I fail on the proofreading point no matter what I'm doing. The worst thing I do is redundancy, which most commonly manifests when I'm adding terms like "also" and its synonymous phrases. "I've also been known to say that too." <- That kind of sentence is what I mean by redundant, there's an extra sentiment of inclusion. Happens so. damn. much, and I don't always catch it, but I see it after and I implode a little inside because I sent that emit/pose and can't change it after.