Chrome OS and MUSHes
Is anyone familiar with the Chrome OS environment and what MUSHing clients are usable on it?
@Jeshin Not I, but there's a thread:
Looks like you have a couple choices.
Thank you!
It's worth noting that if you go to ChromeOS's settings and enable Linux support, you'll also be able to use any Linux clients on it by starting up the Linux layer and then installing that client, and running it. Mudlet, for instance.
Caveat: The Linux support on ChromeOS at this point is very good once things are running—it's largely seamless—but unfortunately also sometimes very, very slow to start up. And it is more than a little irritating that you can only launch GUI Linux apps from the Linux command line.
Potato runs in Linux just fine. I use it. So if Chrome supports that, I think you're pretty set.
I think BeipMU runs on Linux, too.