Here are some crunchyroll pass numbers I have, good for 48-hours on the site. Please limit yourself to one, if you would.
Funny, if you sign up through their web site you get 2 weeks free. If you sign up on Apple TV, you get one week free. Apple tax ahoy.
Incidentally, you can't use the code during your free sign-up week.
Incidentally, the first episode of "Attack On Titan" is really funny if you MST3k it.
YXF8UTXY55K - Expires June 30, 2015
V5KCWDEGM7Q - Ex[ires Jan 1, 2016 -
Incidentally, the first episode of "Attack On Titan" is really funny if you MST3k it.
Spoilers, I guess.
Also, lol'd way too hard at timely Simon & Garfunkel.
D8AXK97PLJM - expires Jul 20, 2015 - Crunchroll premium+ pass and I get a second one tomorrow.
This post is deleted! -
@Bobotron Yup! Free 48 hours of their premium+ subscription. So if you're on a budget or on the fence and just really wanna pop a few episodes...
- 29 days later
So... I just started watching Mirai Nikki. It's surprisingly entertaining.
@Admiral I liked that one a lot too.
That shit was fucked up, @Admiral. ;D
... I watched Another. Well. That really was pretty much Final Destination: Anime edition.
Okay so I just finished Mirai Nikki.
I'm not sure how I feel about it aside from the fact that it was freaking fantastic. The ending is either the saddest ending I've ever seen or the happiest. I can't tell.
I dunno why, I couldn't get into Mirai Nikki really at all. Every time Yuuno was on screen I wanted to strangle her. Actually, I pretty much wanted to strangle everyone except for Minene and Kousaka. - 2 months later
This is a bit of a necro, but I have a couple of Guest Passes if anyone wants Premium+ for a weekend or couple of days.
@silentsophia I'm assuming you mean for Crunchyroll? Just to clarify for those who may not know what Premium+ refers to.
@Alzie Oh yeah, that's what I get for posting at redonk o'clock.
- 24 days later
So I was SO INTO Dragon Ball Z as a middle schooler watching Toonami, so I've been kind of super delighted watching the new series. It's a nostalgia trip. Today I even went and saw the NEW MOVIE in theaters and it was kind of super strange that the movie clearly took place after -- at least several more episodes of the series that have not aired yet, if not many more. But a fun movie, and it was kind of great watching it in a packed theater with people all around my age who were probably into it at similar points in their childhoods.
Where do you live that aired one of the DBZ movies in theatres? -
@Bobotron NYC. We get every movie here.
Huh. The last anime movie I can think of that was released locally was Arrietty.
ETA: Are you excited about the new DB series, Dragonball Super (looks to be set after all the God Battle and F movies)?