I have been seriously considering putting together a supers game and following the conversations on MSB about the whole canon vs original universe thing.
One idea that I keep circling back to is the thought of doing what Marvel tried to do with their Marvel Comics 2 and Heroic Age lines. Which is to say, 'Yes, this continuity happened but those guys are gone now for some reason and the world is full of legacy characters based on them and original characters'.
I know Inheritance Gambit kind of does this, but I feel like the whole cyberpunk, end-of-days vibe adds a layer of complexity and moves things away from the superhero aesthetic and feel. I would be aiming more for a Next Generation feel. The next iteration of the Marvel or DC universe, with perhaps a few storyteller characters that linger from the last generation but don't actively do the hero or villain thing anymore.
Also, I think this kind of game would work best when limited to one continuity. It defeats the purpose of making an accessible but all OC game if I make the players read through pages of blended Marvel and DC background that I try to make coherent.
Is this a truly terrible idea or does it sound like something people would play? If so, which makes more sense: Marvel or DC?