TS - Danger zone
@Arkandel said in TS - Danger zone:
@Pandora said in TS - Danger zone:
I can't believe that actually got a response. I win this thread, InB4 @Arkandel shows up and ruins my fun as usual.
I've been here for a while watching you people ruin this classy thread with your memes.
TBF, you started this thread, so it was never gonna be classy.
@Coin said in TS - Danger zone:
@Arkandel said in TS - Danger zone:
@Pandora said in TS - Danger zone:
I can't believe that actually got a response. I win this thread, InB4 @Arkandel shows up and ruins my fun as usual.
I've been here for a while watching you people ruin this classy thread with your memes.
TBF, you started this thread, so it was never gonna be classy.
How dare you suggest TS - Danger zone was not destined for greatness.
@Arkandel said in TS - Danger zone:
@Coin said in TS - Danger zone:
@Arkandel said in TS - Danger zone:
@Pandora said in TS - Danger zone:
I can't believe that actually got a response. I win this thread, InB4 @Arkandel shows up and ruins my fun as usual.
I've been here for a while watching you people ruin this classy thread with your memes.
TBF, you started this thread, so it was never gonna be classy.
How dare you suggest TS - Danger zone was not destined for greatness.
I didn't say it wasn't destined for greatness, I said it was never going to be classy.
You're the one equating class with greatness, you bourgeois pig.
@Arkandel That's exactly how I prefer my TS, but its usually easier to just get to the juicy parts because all that other shit takes so long by the time you get to the actual TS people tend to have to like, leave and go do RL shit.
@magee101 Maybe that warrants one of those classy conversations!
How long does a scene need to be before it gets to TS (feel free to include foreplay as part of TS)? What's ideal for you?
For example do most of your TS scenes get right to it once the scene begins? Are they the logical followup of a separate scene leading directly to it? Do you ever just start TS at the end of a completely chaste RP?
Also bonus question! Do you ever pause in the middle of TS then pick it up at a later time?
This is truly the classiest thread ever.
TS, RP and find out? -
@Arkandel said in TS - Danger zone:
@magee101 Maybe that warrants one of those classy conversations!
How long does a scene need to be before it gets to TS (feel free to include foreplay as part of TS)? What's ideal for you?
Foreplay tends to be part of the TS, the tension between characters, the setting of outfits and scenery. Usually I find the average time is about an hour of lead up depending on how quickly people pose before it gets to TS. sometimes the foreplay is just as fun as the TS itself and it can be two hours.
For example do most of your TS scenes get right to it once the scene begins? Are they the logical followup of a separate scene leading directly to it? Do you ever just start TS at the end of a completely chaste RP?
There have been a few times, namely non-consensual scenes that start out pretty much right from the get-go but it's still usually 2 poses a piece before the actual sex begins to set the situation. I actually tend to get squicked out if someone is just like 'I walk up and start stripping you down' with no real juicy details or build up.
Also bonus question! Do you ever pause in the middle of TS then pick it up at a later time?
Well, sometimes. A lot of times TS gets paused 'in the middle' or FTB'ed, sometimes it resumes where it left off but most of the time it moves on to another scene with new kinks or new situations.
This is truly the classiest thread ever.
Bonus answer; I have a hard time committing to just flirty build up that then FTB, as someone that has always quite enjoyed the exercise of writing erotically a FTB is like a giant cocktease and I am waaay less likely to get into a 1on1 innocent roleplay with someone that has previously FTB'ed the erotic parts of the scene. Yes, I understand some people don't want to go through the erotica but still have the relationship be canon, but then I'm over here like... you want to go from having a sexually charged situation back to some other normal scene? Sorry I'm in this mood now and I either need to go distract myself or find someone that does want erotica.
ETA: On MU* TS scenes tend to last either 1-2 hours and someone isn't jivving and disconnects, or 3-4 hours and then RL happens. On sites like f-list, I've had erotica scenes last 8-10 hours.
@Tinuviel said in TS - Danger zone:
If you don't need TS to show that two characters did the dirty, don't do it.
I think a pretty persuasive argument can be made that in a game like Changeling there may be some merit to actually roleplaying explicit intimacy. Yes, it can be handwaved, but so could a lot of RP. "They talk all day and become friends" is not as compelling as actual RP. Similarly (assuming the player and staff are down for it, because this gets into heavy squick territory), a FTB might not be as compelling as a scene that an antagonist can draw on in the future.
@Rinel I disagree.
@Rinel I don't think you'll be able to get a reasonable disccusion because @Tinuviel just doesn't like TS, is what I get from most of their quoted answers I see in this thread. And will try and convince anyone they can that you should just not engage in it.
On an aside, FTB in -any- situation, is always awkward for me because then I don't know what has actually transpired and few people tend to want to hammer out the details of what FTB means, it's usually why they are FTB'ing to avoid discussing the things. These days I just end a damn scene, I have something "interrupt" and make my character leave or respond, so that way there is never a FTB, because in real life that's what happens when you can't keep doing the thing you want to be doing, real life interrupts your ass and it feels more immersive to me.
@magee101 said in TS - Danger zone:
@Rinel @Tinuviel Just doesn't like TS, is what I get from most of their quoted answers I see in this thread.
Whether that's true or not there isn't anything wrong with that. It's already been pointed out different people like different things, and that paints our responses.
@magee101 I quite enjoy the occasional TSing, as it happens. I just have limits for when I feel it's appropriate.
As this is a discussion, rather than a debate or argument, I'm simply stating my views. I don't care what other people do, or how they do it, or with whom.The wonderful thing about being me, in fact, means I don't have to give a fuck about anyone else's business.
@Arkandel said in TS - Danger zone:
@magee101 said in TS - Danger zone:
@Rinel @Tinuviel Just doesn't like TS, is what I get from most of their quoted answers I see in this thread.
Whether that's true or not there isn't anything wrong with that. It's already been pointed out different people like different things, and that paints our responses.
Didn't say there was anything wrong with it, I was more just being like 'I don't think you'll be able to get a reasonable discussion with this person because of X'
ETA: There, now it seems less bitchy and more constructive, thanks!
Yeah, I can be counted in the 'different opinion but not interested in being screeched at as an unethical monster for having a different opinion', as @Pandora mentioned. She is dead right with that, for the record.
I wouldn't TS as a storyteller because I don't even have time to TS as a player.
@magee101 said in TS - Danger zone:
@Rinel I don't think you'll be able to get a reasonable disccusion because @Tinuviel just doesn't like TS, is what I get from most of their quoted answers I see in this thread.
I don't TS either. I just don't find @Tinuviel 's arguments on the matter compelling.
@Pandora said in TS - Danger zone:
But what if their 4 hour scene of relaxing, no-stress TS with a player they enjoy writing with comes just after a fraught 4 hour scene of PCs shouting each other down while building complicated, far-fetched plans that try to account for every possible variable so they can't possibly lose, accusing the NPC of being too cryptic in borderline-OOC ways that amount to 'If I were in charge this would be going much more smoothly but I can't be bothered to run things I'm not the star of' and now finally they can just bump uglies with the chick that requested this plot in which she gives birth to a potential Chosen One?
Simply, too bad. If you want to have a relaxing, no-stress TS scene, do so with a PC. If you are going to take control of the NPC, then use it for its purpose: driving the plot. Hence, why I support letting staff have their own PCs, albeit with some limitations.
As much as I ABSOLUTELY LOATHE when people are TSing to the detriment of the game/plot, I really don't think it's anyone's business who is TSing whom so long as the game/plot is being taken care of.
I also don't care with whom the staff member is TSing while playing an NPC. I care when the staff member is wasting time with the NPC that could be better spent pushing stories.