Four Loko Gold Review
This shit is delicious.
It tastes like jolly rancher or Fun Dip powder.
Shit is fucking amaaazing.
Also Smirnoff Grape is amazing. I had that first. You've gotta try it. It doesn't even taste like alcohol.
Also today my SC-880 came here's a picture of it.
Anyway that's my Four Loko gold review.
Also it's Valentine's Day and I'm single DM me. I have a Google info box, if you google Duan Sparkles I pop up and everything. But don't listen to my EP it's trash I can do way better now thanks.
Too Black Too Strong like the Hideki Naganuma song says:
Incredible Punching Force
Did not die when making friends with Rinel
I no longer eat poison food.
Have money.
I have 15 Sonic the Hedgehog games on Steam
3 packets of Szhechuan sauce i give up on trying to spell that
I appreciate all body types
I protested the government while wearing all polyester.Okay those are my stats.
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I hope you get a bite.
@Sunny I got my stats up I'm ready for these sexy nerds.
Do not include in your stats 'can take a good picture of whatever the fuck that thing is'.
What the fuck is this thread I just randomly remembered it exists.
@HelloProject you posted it YESTERDAY
@Roz I walked into my roommate's room and told him about a dream I had about a story he told me last night, and he said "that wasn't a dream".
Time to quit Four Loko.
Best thread.
Pro tip. Mix four loko with a Tylenol with codeine (t3) and you'll have a 12 loko
Skip the Four Loko and take two Adderall and two Ambien.
That's a night to remember!
Except you won't.
@TheOnceler I remember when I first started taking Ambien - I would take it and play League of Legends while waiting for it to kick in. I don't remember ANY of those games, but apparently it was funny for everyone else.
Ambien never did a damned thing for me, including helping me fall asleep