I am enjoying Vienna Blood. I am also stealing played-bys from it.
Good TV
I am enjoying Vienna Blood. I am also stealing played-bys from it.
I would also recommend the Netflix series Big Mouth.
The animation looks weird and is offputting on initial inspection but the show is great and broaches a lot of subjects people don't normally talk about. It's the story of kids going through puberty accompanied by Hormone Monsters who both care about them deeply and often talk them into taking the worst possible courses of action.
@Carex Its like my favorite show ever. He's a Head Pusher.
@Carex We've discussed the show on here before.
I do recommend people read the books, also. Show is good, books are better (aren't they always?).
Remember how I recommended The Magicians a few days ago?
A new season is starting on Syfy Jan 15th.
We're back, baby!! -
Remember how I recommended The Magicians a few days ago?
A new season is starting on Syfy Jan 15th.
We're back, baby!!FANBOY SQUEEEE!
Sick again, so I'm camped out in front of the tv and just enjoyed binge-watching 'Dark' and 'Glitch' very, very much.
@Carex We've discussed the show on here before.
I do recommend people read the books, also. Show is good, books are better (aren't they always?).
Man, "books are better"is like my pet peeve. They're two completely different mediums.
Also, in this particular case, I'm pretty sure the show is better. It's certainly a hell of a lot less gross about its representation and the way the characters (and the narrative) deal with the fucked up shit that happens to them.
@Carex We've discussed the show on here before.
I do recommend people read the books, also. Show is good, books are better (aren't they always?).
Man, "books are better"is like my pet peeve. They're two completely different mediums.
Also, in this particular case, I'm pretty sure the show is better. It's certainly a hell of a lot less gross about its representation and the way the characters (and the narrative) deal with the fucked up shit that happens to them.
I feel like the pacing is better in the books. And the hedges get a lot better depth.
The show has its up sides, yes, but I felt like the story the hedges got was sort of throwaway just to get Julia back with the central crew and then they were just sort of there for story effect whenever needed.
I also really loved Q's whole tenure as a professor (well guest lecturer I suppose) and we never got that either.
The books had a lot of things that I felt really shaped the world and characters in strong ways that left the show sort of lacking for me personally.
@Auspice The one thing about books-versus-TV is that the budget for books is unlimited. For TV in shows like this sometimes either the special effects look crappy for what they're trying to portray or the script is written in a way that doesn't expose them.
But overall the Magicians is exceptionally well made, and the casting works on every level.
@Auspice The one thing about books-versus-TV is that the budget for books is unlimited. For TV in shows like this sometimes either the special effects look crappy for what they're trying to portray or the script is written in a way that doesn't expose them.
But overall the Magicians is exceptionally well made, and the casting works on every level.
So many other things, too, like a visual medium like TV or movie cementing a look and feel that can be, due to the nature of human imagination, ambiguous when one reads a book. They are just such different mediums that honestly it irks me whenever people say "the book is better". It's a book. Compare it to another book. Grr. Arrg.
Remember how I recommended The Magicians a few days ago?
A new season is starting on Syfy Jan 15th.
We're back, baby!!Which means I'll get it in the UK in about 6-9 months after all the relevant plot points are spoiled...
Horribly sick with the flu, I binged the entirety of You in a single sitting with the help of a lot of tea and tissues.
Creepiest and most addictive show I've seen in a while.
It's one of those things that will either die without a whimper or will cause a huge uproar.
@Arkandel He was one of the best things about that show. This is dumb.
Season 4 of The Expanse is out.
So, American Gods is ruined. A bunch of herbs are running the show now and wanted to remove all the 'politics' from it. Mr. Nancy is out.
These are the same herbs who killed Splinter and Deadspin.
@Admiral Define herb in this context?