Oh, I'm sure. I just find it funny in the face of Justice League coming up, and bad reviews coming out.
RL things I love
Oh, I'm sure. I just find it funny in the face of Justice League coming up, and bad reviews coming out.
@tinuviel said in RL things I love:
Exceptions, of cause, for when I cook pasta. Over three decades on this planet and I still have no idea how to accurately judge pasta when cooking it... so I cook it all.
I was raised by my Italian granny for the most part. I swear to you, this was how she did it, too. And not because she was often feeding a pile of people, either. (It did not hurt that her cooking was so good that the leftovers never lasted long, if we're being real about it all here.)
That woman taught me how to improv the shit out of a decent meal from random things around the kitchen on the fly and make some damned fine sauce, but so help me... the whole box, every time. There was a time I would, say, eyeball it on a third of the box or half the box, but then the box would sit there partially used for weeks and start going off, and just no. No, it's pasta all week, motherfuckers, if I'm cooking pasta.
It helps that my husband's nickname amongst his friends is 'the furnace that walks' for how much his miraculously-not-at-all-fat self eats. It gets us down to pasta for half a week, motherfuckers, and I can totally live with that.
@surreality I was told that, when cooking spaghetti at least, one fistful of pasta per person. That never seems to work out right, though. So cook it all up, make a bomb-as-fuck sauce to go with it and boom. Dinner for tonight and lunch for the rest of the week.
@tinuviel said in RL things I love:
@surreality I was told that, when cooking spaghetti at least, one fistful of pasta per person. That never seems to work out right, though. So cook it all up, make a bomb-as-fuck sauce to go with it and boom. Dinner for tonight and lunch for the rest of the week.
This might be another part of why I do it. When my fibro was so bad that I needed a cane at times to walk, I would spend one of my days off cooking. One big batch of X for dinners and a batch of Y for lunches.
I mean this week I made enough of a chicken casserole for 4 meals. >.>
@Tinuviel @Auspice This is how I feel about anything that has anything to do with the crockpot, too. If I'm not making a ton of it, screw it.
We make the beef stew in a gigantic pot, as the slow cooker is just too small, with an obscene cost's worth of meat in it. It never, ever lasts the week. Not ever.
Tangent: we have amazingly well-behaved cats re: human food. Aside from Ancient Cat having had this weird fixation on broccoli, they keep away from it, though sometimes they'd get sniffy at a bowl once empty. Except the beef stew. We'd get whined at to hurry up so they could have the bowls. Because we have the sense of humor of five year olds, the beef stew bowls have ever since been referred to as 'the bowly grail's.
a) My boss messaged me with 'Have a few minutes to chat? (it's good stuff)'
THANK YOU for the qualifier. Yes.
b) Finally secured the promotion they tossed at me a few weeks back. It's only a 50c an hour raise and requires I work Sat/Sun and until 8 (vs 7) during the week since I'm being transitioned into an office lead role... but I'll take it.
... I will def. need a car soon tho since I'll still be starting work at 9am.
(I work 9a-12p from home, then come into the office... And that schedule will stay the same, so I'll technically be working 6 days a week... But Tues it'll be just 3 hours and Sun it'll be just 5) -
I've got so much to love right now I'll get it all out in one post.
My kid is not only incredibly well-behaved, sassy, smart, adorable, and clever, she's also tested her way into being moved up a grade. Children are loud, messy, and expensive but they're so worth it; like the Holy Grail of Steam Achievements if you play your child-rearing cards right.
After many months and many thousands of dollars, my immigration woes are over and we've got our visas - SO LONG, TRUMPMERICA. Course, I still have to deal with Theresa May but at least she's not orange during winter months and her tweets don't make my child cry.
I'm moving next week, which means missing Thanksgiving dinner on Thanksgiving, but my family has made the decision to have Thanksgiving a day early to make sure we get one last authentic Turkey Day feast. I'm no fan of Columbus but if you got to eat like my family gets to eat when the moms, aunts, and grandmothers get together in one kitchen, you'd be lining up to give thanks, too.
@pandora This is all supremely awesome news.
Double bonus kudos on wrestling through all of the immigration stuff. A work partner/friend of mine went through the same thing with the UK and she said it's always a ridiculously slothful slog of hellish bureaucrazy -- she was wrestling with them for years. (From how she described it, it's pretty much this all the way down, so this is extra good to hear.)
I got my training on how to close down the office last minute today (rather than next week) since I'm working overtime and here solo.
As the HR guy was leaving:
"Lastly, if you hear something upstairs, it's either a) the ghost, or b) the homeless guy..." as he's running downstairs: "COULD BE EITHER ONE!"
(We work out of an old, three-story house converted into an office.)
@auspice I like his hazing style.
@pandora said in RL things I love:
@auspice I like his hazing style.
The third floor is actually really cool, IMO (it has these neat little nooks), but no one has a desk up there because everyone else is creeped out by it. I've joked about moving a desk in parts up there and becoming 'the ghost of the 3rd floor.'
@auspice Eee. Don't tempt fate! Friend of mine's father did that, and, wellllll...
...we just didn't talk about that closet after she showed me why we didn't talk about that closet.
What closet?!
A guy I used to work for, his daughter is a sword fighter. German long swords.
She got angry at a boy for being a "sexist asshole."
She challenged him to a duel.
I love that kid.
Finding online resources for recipes. In this case, Korean food...
Being able to watch RPGs like D&D being streamed live.
Especially when Matt Mercer and Joe Manganiello are involved.
(I'll be in my bunk.)
Wait, Joe Manganiello RPGs? Wow.
I need to see this.
@bobotron said in RL things I love:
Wait, Joe Manganiello RPGs? Wow.
I need to see this.
He's an avid D&D player, yes. He's played on several D&D streams, notably Matt Mercer's Critical Role (where he played a level 17 dragonborn paladin/barbarian named Arkhan the Cruel).
He's pretty fun to watch!
You really do need to see it. He's awesome, a long time D&D player (he got his start with the Red Box, according to him) and he is fun to watch.
I'll have to see what I can find then. A friend of mine has a subscription to... some gaming service that gets him Critical Role (I think) and a bunch of other RPG streaming stuff as well as CrunchyRoll. I'm thinking about adding that to my subscriptions.
https://geekandsundry.com/shows/critical-role/ has all the back episodes of Critical Role so you can skim through and find the episodes with him as well. Project Alpha's has them too, I believe, although that's a subscription service that isn't really any different from watching CR on Twitch (https://www.twitch.tv/geekandsundry) save for some stats they put up on the screen as the episode is live.