Headline writers. What would the world be like without the wonky, zany antics of these?
RL things I love
@WTFE said:
Headline writers. What would the world be like without the wonky, zany antics of these?
That is perfect. Thanks for a good laugh
@WTFE said:
Headline writers. What would the world be like without the wonky, zany antics of these?
In other news, water is wet, the sun rises in the east, piggy won't go over the stile, and the little old lady won't get home tonight.
I've been knitting along. Finished scale dice bag. It is awesome.
It feels weird putting this into the "less game-y" area, but ...
A Jeopardy! game specific to my house.
"In this portable board/card game one person plays as the detectives desperately searching for one of history's most notorious serial murderer of prostitutes while the other player plays said murderer's desperate attempt to escape justice."
"Alex, What is the most thematically inappropriate game I play with my seven year-old son?"
It's an absolutely spiffy game, but sometimes I'm worried what I'm teaching the boy…
That game looks amazing, where did you pick it up? The whole 'escape from investigators' thing reminds me of my favorite game, Fury of Dracula.Otherwise...
I know I talk about the Masquerade LARP that I run a lot, but I continue to be amazed by these people. My Masquerade LARP, we are almost back to the LARP heydey of the city I live in. Our game a couple days ago, we had about a four day notice for the actual event content: an IC masquerade ball. Our playerbase, with 4 days notice, showed up with massive costumes, masks and social plans and shenanigans. And we're topping around 30 people, and in the heydey in the early 2000s it was around 40. We had 27 players at game, out of our 32 person playerbase, and 24 of those were in appropriate formal or otherwise costume ball-type outfits. And the ones that didn't, had a valid IC reason not to.
Unrelated to LARP, I am loving finally going through and finding recipes from my mother-in-laws recipe book and going 'Oh, I need to make this/have the partner make this'.
I got it by scouring Taobao for five or six … minutes. But most online places that have games have it. Amazon has it for sure, for example. Along with the full Mr. Jack, the Mr. Jack Expansion, Mr. Jack in New York, etc.
edited to add
- Mr. Jack Pocket
- Mr. Jack
- Mr. Jack Extension (needs Mr. Jack to play)
- Mr. Jack in New York
Of these I have (and thus can only vouch for) the first three. Mr. Jack Pocket has rapidly become my "quick pick-up game that still requires a few brain cells to play". Mr. Jack itself is a solid game, but a bit of a pain in the ass to set up. In game play I like it a bit better than the pocket version because it has more depth of choice, but the two have a very similar vibe. The extension just adds a few characters to the choices but doesn't otherwise much impact the actual play materially. It's OK, but since I got my extension bundled with my main game I can't really assess if it's worth the added cost to buy it separately.
The New York one gets good reviews, but I can't speak for it on my own behalf.
Arrogance. I love it.
"Nah, I can handle deadlifts after months of not lifting, I've been cycling a lot! That's kinda the same thing, right?"
Ahahah. No. Now my legs are stumps at the end of my torso filled with pain and aching in equal measure.
Thanks reality.
At least you weren't doing Romanian deadlifts.
Getting my SNES Emulator to run with my xBox 360 controller. Awyiss.
This post is deleted! -
@Corruption said:
Not something that makes me angry exactly, but certainly butt-puckering. $3,400.00 to replace the flood-damaged hot water heater and furnace in my house. Joys of home-ownership, do not make any travel or fun plans for the near future.
This is a RL thing you love? Wrong thread, bro.
@Coin Derp DERP Derp I think I need coffeeeeee! OTOH, soon as this work is done? 4 hour hot bath!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Gonna go ahead and assume fries aren't common in China? -
Well, they're common in crap places like McDonald's and the like. But outside they're not.
Those aren't french fries. They're 干煸土豆丝 (lit. "dry-fried shredded potatoes"). They're a slightly-modernized version of 干煸藕丝 (lit. "dry-fried shredded lotus root"), a dish that's been around for ages. This is what I feed visiting 老外 (foreigners) when I want to cause them intense culinary pain. The dried chilis you can see. What you can also see (but may or may not recognize) are the sichuan peppercorns ("prickly ash seed"). Those are what you give people who think that because they can easily slurp down a thousand "suicide" hot wings that they can face anything.
Once they stop bawling on the floor and uncurl…
When everything at work is crazy for WEEKS because of THE BIG THING and you get to the day and you've done the work and you finish it that morning and everything goes off without a hitch.
My MRI scan results were all good. Looks like I am part of the tiny percentage where avastin works really well.
Not a cure but I will make it to Christmas this year, and more importantly Star Wars
Mid-Autumn Festival is approaching and as part of the run-up into it we're expected to show our appreciation for things others have done for us. One of my private tutoring students showed up to a session today with this little gift as a "thank you" from his grateful father. Apparently I'm making a difference in his son's English exam scores.