Jun 7, 2015, 1:35 PM

If anyone wants an eclipse phase game, that's one of the games my Stat library supports out of the box (only because someone pestered me constantly).

https://github.com/ccubed/UGS/tree/master/Unisystem CG Base/Dropins/Eclipse Phase

I did not realize there were 7 pages at the time, but I might as well comment on all 7. I am curious what Jeshin counts as automation. Requiem has damage code, a cron, healing, automated job creation based on criterion, automated boons that are completely in player control, automated xp buys but i'm getting the feeling that's not what he's looking for. On the other hand, he's letting in Kushiel's debut which has basically no true automated systems. I am unfamiliar with phoenix's systems because I'm not making an account to check it out.

He keeps propping Evennia, but Evennia is not new, nor is it particularly amazing because it has a laundry list of problems and the home page even says it's probably not ready for a full game yet. Evennia is nice because it's python and all the code is in python, but that also means that all your development is done away from the game, so testing it becomes an interesting experience and sometimes frustrating. Evennia is certainly not the first python mu base and it won't be the last, nor is Redshift the first Evennia game and it won't be the last.