What Do You Love About WoD?
@ThatGuyThere I dunno. On one game, it was hilarious that she ended up having a bunch of Traddies hang out and/or try to grab her. It baffled, but it was a hoot, too. I tried not to be a douchebag about the whole paradigm thing. If mages didn't go all Gandalf in the streets, she didn't fuss too much. She mostly wanted to go into spaaaaaaaace and explore.
And it was fun to SCIENCE! chat with 'em when the other Technos didn't feel sciencey.
I admit to being guilty of avoiding Sanctified though it has nothing to do with Sabbat, it has to do with living in the bible belt.
I get enough of people trying to explain why I am damned to me in RL (usually the fact I drink alcohol, or the flavor of Christianity I am ) that is tend to avoid it in pretendy fun times.
I know this is in no way the fault of any Sanctified player but it is my gut reaction. -
You know, I think that I enjoyed oMage the most when I ignored Paradox. The "taken to 11" thing people wanted to play (including, I think, the game writers themselves) were entirely possible then.
I dunno, I liked owod Paradox. Paradox flaws, weird shit happening, etc. It wasn't some abyssal nightmare come to devour your soul blah blah blah so fucking serious. It was "So you think you're better than everybody else? HAW HAW SUCKER!", writ small or large, the very ideal of being punished for hubris.Plus I got to do stuff like pushing a ritual to try and create a theoretical artificial Node construct to the point where if I'd fucked up on the final roll I'd have generated like 50 points of Paradox or something. Enough to obliterate me, my house, probably most of my block, and create a Paradox Storm over most of the city.
I didn't fuck up the last roll (barely), but I sat there staring at my screen with my finger hovering over Enter for probably five minutes or so because of the tension. And even so, pulling it off punished me something fierce, and only through a loophole did I avoid like 5 levels of permanent damage. Crazy, fun times.