Jun 7, 2018, 6:06 PM

A'ight. I'll start this off with a disclaimer: I adore you to little tiny pieces, and outside this exact conversation there's no animosity between us until the next time I say something stupid.


The wrongness I 'accuse' you of, if accuse is the correct term, is that you have expressed admiration for the show - right or wrong - without caveat. Not that you like the show, that you like the show without an advisory.

In this instance, I would argue that your advocacy for the program counts as advertising for it, or at least promoting it. And we have both agreed that the show requires at least a modicum of 'trigger warning'.

Further, your assumption that everyone has consumed, or will consume, the show the same way you did - Be it with warnings on US Netflix or otherwise - is dangerous given the confrontational nature of the events depicted.

Supporting or advocating such a show without a caveat is irresponsible.

That two families in California allege that Thirteen Reasons Why prompted two young women to commit suicide [1] and a man from Peru [2] and a teen from Alabama [3] sees to me to indicate that this show needs as many warnings and caveats as we can reasonably supply.

This may well be a place for adults. But this is also a place for adults with any number of not-quite-typical mental states, and your blatant "this show is amazing" attitude is goddamn harmful.