A lot/most of those 'suggestions' are just to cover their asses.
"Well, you didn't gain weight on our extra sugar-poured-over-chocolate product, you just ate more than 1.4 milligram of it!".
A lot/most of those 'suggestions' are just to cover their asses.
"Well, you didn't gain weight on our extra sugar-poured-over-chocolate product, you just ate more than 1.4 milligram of it!".
@Apu I rather like them. When I go shopping, I always look at the nutritional information. Knowing I could eat the entire box/bag, I check out the calories per serving then the servings per container. Knowing that this little box has 1500 calories, I don't buy it.
Speaking of all that, have you heard of this?
TL;DR: The story claims a company made the 1/3rd pounder burger to compete with the quarter pounder burger but it failed because people thought 1/4 was larger than 1/3. I mean 4 is larger than 3, right?
How... ... sad.
@TNP said:
@Apu I rather like them. When I go shopping, I always look at the nutritional information. Knowing I could eat the entire box/bag, I check out the calories per serving then the servings per container. Knowing that this little box has 1500 calories, I don't buy it.
Same. Since I actually started counting calories I've found them really valuable, and telling about how many I waste a day on "little" snacks.
Emergency gallbladder surgery. Emergency gallbladder surgery the day before my birthday that causes me to miss both it and Thanksgiving. And now, recovery combined with sinus infection.
At least it isn't MRSA!
First off...
I hope you get to feeling better soon!
And on the subject of my rant, I get that it's useful. It just... I dunno! It always winds up making me feel guilty, the serving suggestion does. Maybe that's what it's meant for, I dunno. It's the food people's way of saying 'gawd, you ate the ENTIRE BAG of chips when it has 10 servings in it? SHAME ON YOU!' subliminally.
Uggggggggh my office chair that I loved and have hoarded for the past two years since my coworker moved away and gave it up now has a crack in the plastic base that is making it tip like two inches to one side when I sit down.
Low-grade fevers. It feels like I've been sick for forever now, but come on body either put up a decent fight or don't bother at this point. Now I just feel generally meh.
@hedgehog Oy. I'm wishing you a thorough recovery. I experienced my first attack of gall stones the other night, which boggles me 'cos I've never been one to eat fried or fatty foods. I'm hoping I won't need it removed, but it's standard operating procedure (no pun intended) for it to be removed if there is any sign of infection.
@Karmageddon If you're lucky, you'll just need the endoscopy to flush out any transient/blockage causing stones, and your gall bladder isn't chock full o' them. I am not sure how well an ultrasound can gauge how many stones are in the bladder, though.
That said, if you have thyroid issues, they can also affect the gall bladder.
My recovery's been pretty good, so far. The worst pain was the first week post-op; things have been healing up nicely since then. Worst food reaction was orange juice, for whatever reason.
I get unreasonably nervous when having holiday related small talk. I don't want to offend people by saying Merry Christmas, I don't want to offend them by saying Happy Holidays. And I am horrified of my coworkers learningI am not religious.
I find it highly unreasonable for anyone to be offended by 'happy holidays'. I mean come on, it's a wish. Take it for what it is and move on. If I know they're Christian I'll throw in a "Merry Christmas" as well because why not?
@Arkandel said:
I find it highly unreasonable for anyone to be offended by 'happy holidays'. I mean come on, it's a wish. Take it for what it is and move on. If I know they're Christian I'll throw in a "Merry Christmas" as well because why not?
Happy Holidays is a persecution of Christians don'tchaknow.
There's no group of people more persecuted than white Christians. They're out to get us!
Source: I'm a white Christian.
@hedgehog Thanks. I hope that's all I'll need, but I had another attack the other night. Not as bad as the one that sent me to the E.R., but it's left me feeling not so optimistic.
What really sucks is that, if I /do/ need surgery, odds are I won't qualify for laparoscopic surgery because I have overall bodily inflammation. So, if that's the case, that means open surgery, which has a "can resume 'normal' activities" recovery rate of 4-6 weeks, as opposed to 7-10 days.
I'm glad that you're recovering well, though!
Yeshua of Nazareth was born in spring according to his own damn book. Don't get uppity that you wanted to tap into the various resurrection god traditions, and the return of sunlight for the Solstice. Eff you and you so called reason for the season.
Retail work.
@silentsophia said:
Retail work.
- No, I am not holding out. We really are out of stock out of that toy in the entire 30 mile area. It's a fucking popular toy. I get asked for them the moment I roll out a new tub of toys.
- How the hell did you urinate on the ceiling!?
- lolregularhours
- Please do not throw things at me.
- Yes, the store is a bit messy sometimes. Yes, we do try to keep it clean. Yes, we are busy as all fuck. I got my break half an hour late because I kept getting grabbed by customers.
Hello... it's me.
@tragedyjones foams at the mouth