@Cirno said:
I am sick unto death of people telling me about how white people are being browbeaten, which is not a fucking thing and never was.
This really is a thing, though. It's just more subtle than people give it credit for. I'm a single white male, and I didn't think it was a thing either.
Until I started college.
All the scholarships that my parents could have had, or that I could have had if I had gone ten years ago? Gone. Giving money to single white males based on academics alone is socially taboo now. All the groups that are supposed to support students? Good luck trying to sit through one of those as a white guy without someone glaring daggers at you, including the people who are supposedly there to help. Don't you dare voice any of your actual opinions, rather than regurgitate what people tell you to, especially not as a polisci major. You will be cast out into the wilderness of academia, and your grades will start to mysteriously suffer. There is so much talk of "white privelege" it's ridiculous, even among people of different races that I went to school with, whose parents made more money than I did. They still accuse me of getting a better education than them, of having better things than they did (which is wholly laughable). Everything. Note, we went to the same school, had the same teachers, one of them even lived in the same part of town that I did -- in a house twice as big, and they got better grades than me.
The sheer saturation of this idea is astounding to me. Just because you're white doesn't mean you're somehow better off. That's rarely the case until you get up into talking about people with 9-digit savings accounts, and lots of those are just old money.
The law made us all equal decades ago, and in fact managed to grant a few groups special status by specifically declaring them "no touchy", but it seems like equality isn't what people are actually wanting. It's starting to sound an awful lot like people don't want equality so much as revenge for something that happened well before any of us were even born.
And the sad fact is, it's working. Thus all the spark-ups of outrage, etc. Where does that leave us, as a country?