@SomeDude Dude, basically every woman I interact with at all, in any capacity online is on these forums. Like... seriously. This is stupid.
RL Anger
So I was on my way home from work this morning, sitting at a red light, and a fucking city BUS clips my mirror and takes the whole thing off essentially hanging there by the cord used to power the tiny motor that lets you adjust the mirror from inside the car.
I follow the bus over and it finally stops, I get out, head over to the driver and he tells me that police and such are already on the way, so I am like cool, no problem.
Well the claims adjustor for the city bus shows up well before the police do, and we're documenting the damage and such while we wait, conversing, no drama when the bus driver walks over to look at the car as the claims guy is asking me if there's any additional damage.
I tell the guy: No, I think he just clipped my mirror and took it off.
Bus Driver: No there isn't any other fucking damage!
Me: I never said there was. I was just saying I think you just clipped-
Bus Driver: I didn't do any other damage!
Me: ...I didn't hit you mother fucker, you hit me, you broke my mirror, and now the mirror is ruining my fucking paint job. The /only/ reason I went with the no police report option, is because /you hitting me/ fucks with my CDL license and insurance rates.
Meanwhile the cop is saying that this happens ALL THE TIME at that intersection where I was waiting. WTF. IF it happens all the time change the mother fucking bus route or higher better drivers who don't try to force their way past cars!
When a friend turns out to be kind of a - really bratty, mean, and cliquish person. They're never really there or nice to me. I would totally sever except she's friends with my other friends.
Realizing you fucked something up, and, in addition to already piling onto your stress about something, may have cost you a friend.
@Bobotron Man, I know that feel all too well.
My sympathies.
@ShelBeast So how do you defend the fact that you go around MU* trying to prey on women?
@SomeDude Dude, basically every woman I interact with at all, in any capacity online is on these forums. Like... seriously. This is stupid.
I'm on a new medication and the adaptation period is being rough. Like, 'brain on fire' rough. I've been told it takes roughly three weeks. I've made it through one.
I wish I could sleep through the next two.
Sending good vibes, man. I know that feel. -
I hate how spoiler-y the internet gets minutes after a new Game of Thrones episode. It basically forces me to watch it the same night.
I just opened a Yahoo! tab on Chrome and right on the front page they are spoiling what happened tonight. The episode aired what, an hour ago as of now? Come on.
I hate how spoiler-y the internet gets minutes after a new Game of Thrones episode. It basically forces me to watch it the same night.
I just opened a Yahoo! tab on Chrome and right on the front page they are spoiling what happened tonight. The episode aired what, an hour ago as of now? Come on.
It's almost an art form to avoid internet spoilers. Shoulda seen me dodging Force Awakens spoilers. I work when GoT comes on, so can't watch it till tomorrow afternoon after I wake up. It can be... tricky.
@Arkandel I used to be pretty chill about hearing GoT spoilers just because I'd already read all the books, but SHIT NOW WE'RE IN NO MAN'S LAND
@Roz I'm kinda okay with it if it's my own dumb fault for checking out the GoT subreddit (which ironically has iron-clad rules and constant moderation against spoiling) or play with fire in general but to open random generic portals on the internet and see "The true reason Ned Stark DIED!" in the article synopsis before even a click... argh.
Dentist: stabs you in the mouth with a hook
Dentist: If you flossed more you wouldn't bleed. -
@tragedyjones It's that blame the victim mentality!
Some people don't realize how the small lies stack up. Maybe they're not meant as lies, but after a while...
You know the ones. Like, "I'll talk to you tonight." and then you never hear from them and they never even have an excuse.
People love to berate each other to "pay attention to what you say" when it comes to words being taken the wrong way and coming across as hurtful... But a refusal to even put enough forethought into your planning, to an extent that I'm left hanging on a regular basis?
That hurts, too.
Some people don't realize how the small lies stack up. Maybe they're not meant as lies, but after a while...
You know the ones. Like, "I'll talk to you tonight." and then you never hear from them and they never even have an excuse.
People love to berate each other to "pay attention to what you say" when it comes to words being taken the wrong way and coming across as hurtful... But a refusal to even put enough forethought into your planning, to an extent that I'm left hanging on a regular basis?
That hurts, too.
Oh, man, I do this. I'm horrible about it, but for the most part, it's me falling asleep, usually. Like, if it's been a long day but I told someone "we'll talk tonight" and when i got home I lay down... man, I am gone.
I also just forget? I'm pretty absent minded, which doesn't mean I don't get my feelings hurt when people are absent minded right back at me. But it is not something I can find myself getting angry over long-term.
Once people fade away, I kind of do too. And sometimes I am the worst and disappear for days, weeks at a time from a person and then I come back talking to them like whatever. I don't know why and I can absolutely see why someone would find that anger-inducing...
... I just... I don't know. My brain, man. It's weird.
I am also a person who is preoccupied a lot--not in the mood, angry, tired, depressed (all the time)--and sometimes I just don't want to talk to people. So it doesn't matter if they message me one time or fifty, I will not answer. It's typically not against that particular person--I just don't want to right now.
The realization that this is okay--that I get to be able to do that because it's my life--has also led me to be much more accepting of people not answering my messages. I used to get super annoyed and moody when people ignored me (whether it was actually ignoring me or just not being there for long periods of time when I wanted attention). Now, I just understand. I still get annoyed--god dammit why won't you pay attention to me right this second when I am in need of conversation!--but when the person shows up I'm not going to be like "fucker, where the fuck have you fucking been I wanted attention fuck you now I don't care fuuuuuuck" unless it's @tragedyjones and I'm trolling him.
All this to say, sometimes they are not lies--they are just things we say that we believe and that are changed by the minutes that follow them.
Some of us aren't awesome at being cool with other people--I try very, very hard, and I fail spectacularly a lot. I try not to apologize unless I mean it, but having realized that my attitude divests me of the capacity to feel self-righteous about the same sort of stuff being done to me have made it so that I can mean it more often, more sincerely.
Oh man, I totally went on a feelzRant.
#That'sWhatSheSaid -
I didn't put my wallet in the gym bag when I was packing the bike bag to get to work this morning. Dammit, I hate asking to borrow money even though I'll return it in 24 hours but I'm ravenous and of course today is the one day in the week I didn't bring lunch either.
I didn't put my wallet in the gym bag when I was packing the bike bag to get to work this morning. Dammit, I hate asking to borrow money even though I'll return it in 24 hours but I'm ravenous and of course today is the one day in the week I didn't bring lunch either.
I hate borrowing money so much I can't even describe. I've starved at my desk rather than borrow money from people.
Now I leave a box of Clif bars in my desk for emergencies.