Not that you are, but I haven't heard this in a while.
(Probably NSFW)
Not that you are, but I haven't heard this in a while.
(Probably NSFW)
@Admiral said:
I'll have to talk to my employer about recording equipment. There's a strict no-recording equipment policy at my workplace, we have to sign a little sheet promising to record nothing. Maybe they'll make an exception for personal safety.
no recording?! Is that because it may be illegal in your state to record people without their consent? Some states are like that.
And the woman doesn't even have to come in late. She came in bright and early with a fake smile. The 'fix'? The bosses are making the Captain sit with us until my relief comes in, then letting me leave.
So basically they're making him wake up two hours early every morning and making me feel like a damn child.
Ugh, sorry to hear that Admiral. I can link the video with the felt vagina again, if that will help your mood?
@Admiral I keep having an instinct to downvote your post just because the content it like FUCK THAT SHIT. That must be maddening and awful.
Aaaaand we just got hit with the .locky virus at work. Wheee!
So glad I'm not part of the IT team.
Filing taxes. Hate.
People who bombard you with a billion links in a tiny amount of time. Like yeah, that's hilarious, but that's five imgur links and we've been at work for 30 minutes so I'm afraid you are cut off for the rest of the day.
I get serious link weariness and just stop clicking after awhile no matter who is sending them.
Coworkers who are touchy-feely. don't fucking stroke my back or shoulders when you come over to ask something. It's fucking creepy as shit.
When people you otherwise respect and like reveal themselves to be among the paranoia-riddled, science-ignoring wacknuts who refuse to vaccinate their kids without a real doctor telling them they should not because of this specific medical condition this specific kid has.
I just want to make them go to the poorest places in India and Africa where kids don't get vaccines and wind up dead or permanently crippled because of a disease we all but wiped out 50 gorram years ago.
If my libertarian slant didn't preclude me from insisting children be vaccinated by rule of law... damn my conflicting principles.
@Coin said:
Coworkers who are touchy-feely. don't fucking stroke my back or shoulders when you come over to ask something. It's fucking creepy as shit.
@Coin said:
@lordbelh said:
@Coin said:
Coworkers who are touchy-feely. don't fucking stroke my back or shoulders when you come over to ask something. It's fucking creepy as shit.
and the knowledge that if you say anything it will be taken as aggressive and ill-tempered.
I can see this. Some people go overboard with it. But also -- don't you live in a country where being touchy-feely is kind of part of the culture?
@Derp said:
@Coin said:
@lordbelh said:
@Coin said:
Coworkers who are touchy-feely. don't fucking stroke my back or shoulders when you come over to ask something. It's fucking creepy as shit.
and the knowledge that if you say anything it will be taken as aggressive and ill-tempered.
I can see this. Some people go overboard with it. But also -- don't you live in a country where being touchy-feely is kind of part of the culture?
No. I live in a country where we greet each other sometimes with a faux kiss on the cheek. That doesn't entitle people to come ov er and put their hands on my shoulders and rub them while talking to me.
And since it's this one fucking person that does it, it's very much not a "this is just how it is here", which would still not be an excuse to fucking touch me.
I've never worked anywhere where touching at all was acceptable except between somewhat close friends/long time colleagues.
At my current job one guy sometimes randomly walks by and shoulder-bumps me hard, but we play basketball together so it's kinda a bro thing. Otherwise it's just a no-no, you don't do it unless you're 100% it's okay.
Speaking of, kinda, at my old job there was a couple (now married) who were into PDA. It wasn't very uncommon to see them get touchy-feely with each other and on at least one occasion his hand was on her ass in the common dining area rather obviously. Like come on, dude.
UGH unwanted touching. Ask A Manager has gotten a few questions about this over the years and always has good responses.
@Roz That URL path is relative and won't work.
(>_> fixed)
Dear Same Coworker Who Keeps Fucking Touching Me,
Please follow the instructions for memos; I told you a hundred and thirty seven billion times not to print pages of shit with no information on them. If the person hasn't taken any leave, and the page in our site says "has not taken any leave", you do not need to print the page that says "has not taken any leave" as that is fucking wasteful.
Also, I am going to cut your fucking hands off if they touch me again and you will have to learn to type with your fucking nose.
A Piece of Pissed Off Currency.