@Auspice I like cats, wine is iffy. I'm more a whiskey drinker or a shots taker. Do I -have- to have a sordid tale? The year's almost over and it seems like a lot of work.
RL Anger
@Auspice I like cats, wine is iffy. I'm more a whiskey drinker or a shots taker. Do I -have- to have a sordid tale? The year's almost over and it seems like a lot of work.
@RightMeow said in RL Anger:
@Auspice I like cats, wine is iffy. I'm more a whiskey drinker or a shots taker. Do I -have- to have a sordid tale? The year's almost over and it seems like a lot of work.
Yes. One.
Get out there! It's cuffing season!
Our TS can be your tale.
@RightMeow It depends on what you put into the whiskey. @Auspice still won't forgive me for the Pepsi incident.
Oh honey.... I'm not going to win with that tale. It will go like this:RightMeow went out in the world looking for a sordid tale.
Then she realized sleep was inclined.
So on this quest she did completely fail.
But a lust for sleeping is how she was designed.Did this do it for you? Maybe you could go cuff someone, drag them back, explain to me how to do this, and THEN we could have our TS tale.
@Tinuviel Um. Was it roofies? Because it sounds like roofies?
(Not sorry for double posting or even triple posting.)
@RightMeow said in RL Anger:
Because it sounds like roofies?
How the hell does 'Pepsi' sound like roofies?
@Auspice No one's told me anything about anyone's sex life. I hope I can continue this streak unbroken.
@Tinuviel Well... see. You said it depends what I put -IN- my whiskey and then said she wouldn't forgive for the Pepsi incident. So something put in Pepsi....
It's been a long week/year. I promise it made sense and was inappropriately funny. SHEESH. Okay, probably not, but I tried?
@RightMeow said in RL Anger:
@Tinuviel Well... see. You said it depends what I put -IN- my whiskey and then said she wouldn't forgive for the Pepsi incident. So something put in Pepsi....
It's been a long week/year. I promise it made sense and was inappropriately funny. SHEESH. Okay, probably not, but I tried?
Instead of a 'Jack and Coke,' @Tinuviel had a 'Jack and Pepsi.'
This is why Australians were sent to live in a place full of death.
My wedding reception is this Saturday. Two of my friends aren't coming, and I just found out why in a Discord of our RL, local friends because they asked if someone could dog-sit for them.
They're going to a fucking LARP.
Seriously, screw you guys.
I hate how it's been roughly a year and I still get messages from people about my sex life that I shared with someone on this board in confidence.
How has everyone around here enjoyed knowing about that btw?
Honestly, not nearly as much as all of the other stuff I've learned about other people's personal lives who shared that stuff in confidence with the same person.
I have also not had anyone attempt to pass on details of anyone's sex life. FWIW. Would tell them to GTFO if they did.
My wedding reception is this Saturday. Two of my friends aren't coming, and I just found out why in a Discord of our RL, local friends because they asked if someone could dog-sit for them.
They're going to a fucking LARP.
Seriously, screw you guys.
Oh shit, I'm sorry.
Punt those motherfuckers.
My wedding reception is this Saturday. Two of my friends aren't coming, and I just found out why in a Discord of our RL, local friends because they asked if someone could dog-sit for them.
They're going to a fucking LARP.
Seriously, screw you guys.
Like I said: shit like this is why I kinda hate LARPs. There are people who rate them way too fucking high in priority.
Fuck 'em.
Take 'em off errthing. Christmas card lists. Phone lists. Whateverlists.
My wedding reception is this Saturday. Two of my friends aren't coming, and I just found out why in a Discord of our RL, local friends because they asked if someone could dog-sit for them.
They're going to a fucking LARP.
Seriously, screw you guys.
Like I said: shit like this is why I kinda hate LARPs. There are people who rate them way too fucking high in priority.
Fuck 'em.
Take 'em off errthing. Christmas card lists. Phone lists. Whateverlists.
These are literally the same people who roped me into cat-sitting for them for most of a week at the very last minute a few Thanksgivings back, via guilt and promises of payment. Unsurprisingly, payment never materialized. The only reason I did it despite it adding an hour-plus to my day was because it was their sick old lady cat, who needed daily medication.
They are definitely going on the "fuck off" list unless/until their ability to show basic consideration changes.
I hate how it's been roughly a year and I still get messages from people about my sex life that I shared with someone on this board in confidence.
How has everyone around here enjoyed knowing about that btw?
Honestly, not nearly as much as all of the other stuff I've learned about other people's personal lives who shared that stuff in confidence with the same person.
If I wasnt clear in my response, the answer is "yes, I heard about it from that person, but enjoyed it not as much as all of the other stuff..."
I must be seriously unpopular. Nobody tells me anything about anyone else's personal life.