I had to throw a couple of girls who were having sex out of the bathroom when I was bartending, so I could close the bar. At my last worksite I walked into the bathroom and there was a girl in there EATING a CUPCAKE. At this office there's a chick who routinely goes into the bathroom with no shoes on. I mean, they clean our bathrooms here several times a day, they are never in bad shape. But ew.
RL Anger
I'm kind of over this whole sick or just being under the proverbial weather, thing. It's inconvenient and time consuming. I rarely get sick. Very rarely.
A new germ-ridden kid in the world though and suddenly my body just decides it's going to opt out of that track record. Boy got the flu last week, which sucked. Then I got it, since I was the one up consoling his confused and scared ass until the wee hours of the morning. Then Wife got it. We all got better after a couple-few days, of course. But now...
Now for whatever reason it feels like swallowing needles any time that I swallow. No other symptoms. No fatigue, headache, congestion, or anything. I don't have allergies or anything. I feel spry and hearty as per usual. Except that annoyance of a sore throat. I really shouldn't want more kids, yet that's the great debate around the homestead of late.
Maybe I should just get a dog.
Could be sinus drainage causing the sore throat. Doesn't take a lot for that to be an issue. Drink lots of hot tea and take something for the PND, if you have it, and you should be okay in a day or two.
Dear New Guy in the Office:
We are a small office (not even 12 people). A third of us are female. We share two bathrooms.
Have a modicum of decency and put the goddamn toilet seat down.
@auspice I've never understood why this is a concern. Why does it matter what orientation the seat is when lowering it or raising it isn't even a second's worth of effort?
@tinuviel Y'all have a tendency to splash or backsplash. It can't really be helped; it's physics.
But, y'know, as a result... we'd really rather not handle the exposed portions of the seat that have somebody else's potential splash on them unless we really have to.
(Worst are the guys who don't bother raising the seat and give none fucks about splash, though. 'cause we have to sit there every time... )
Guys only need to raise the toilet seat for a percentage of their bathroom visits. When they perform certain activities in the bathroom they too need it lowered.
Women never need to raise the toilet seat.
Math dictates that putting the toilet seat down causes the least amount of inconvenience for everyone.
@surreality I understand that if there's a mess then sure, it's a problem. But the argument is never "you guys make a mess all over the seat" it's always "you never put the seat down." Which really doesn't make sense as an argument.
That said, I prefer sitting anyhow.
Edited to add: Who the fuck doesn't put the seat down? Leaving the lid up when you flush sends germs everywhere.
Edited to add: Who the fuck doesn't put the seat down? Leaving the lid up when you flush sends germs everywhere.
The guy in my office.
It's an office. There's tons (ok not tons but more than I know/trust!) of people. I don't know their cleanliness habits. So having to touch the seat is... yeah, like surr said. It's no bueno. Plus it just looks sloppy to have a damn toilet seat raised all the time.
One thing my ex-husband did right was make sure the seat was down. And lecture his friends if they ever came over and left it up. Why? He once fell in while half-asleep. He knew.
But it was always funny when he'd give a friend shit for it. They'd always look at me and then start to cut in with a 'Oh, does she have you whipped?'
And he'd be like 'No motherfucker. I fell in once. That shit sucks. PUT THE SEAT DOWN.'
Public restrooms just disturb me, but I swear the ladies at my workplace are the worst.
The. Worst.
There is always one stall that has the entire toilet seat PLASTERED with toilet paper. I mean the entire ring is just covered in a solid coat of the stuff. And they just leave it there for the next person to wander into
AND WE HAVE TOILET SEAT LINERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That we never run out of
just shudders
I know there are people out there who will insist womens' restrooms are always worse, but I worked at a bowling alley for about six months. I had to clean both.
The mens' room was always, always worse.
That's a volume issue. More men go bowling than women.
@admiral Something, something, playing with balls, something, something...
Two things.
- Mad at myself for this one. Got briefly distracted while using a knife tonight. Thankfully it just cut through my fingernail before I noticed. Well, a bit into the skin underneath, but still.
- The lost hours at work last week have basically serves to royally fuck me over. I won't have enough for rent. My brother can probably help me, but goddamnit.
- Mad at myself for this one. Got briefly distracted while using a knife tonight. Thankfully it just cut through my fingernail before I noticed. Well, a bit into the skin underneath, but still.
I had to throw a couple of girls who were having sex out of the bathroom when I was bartending, so I could close the bar. At my last worksite I walked into the bathroom and there was a girl in there EATING a CUPCAKE. At this office there's a chick who routinely goes into the bathroom with no shoes on. I mean, they clean our bathrooms here several times a day, they are never in bad shape. But ew.
One thing my ex-husband did right was make sure the seat was down. And lecture his friends if they ever came over and left it up. Why? He once fell in while half-asleep. He knew.
But it was always funny when he'd give a friend shit for it. They'd always look at me and then start to cut in with a 'Oh, does she have you whipped?'
And he'd be like 'No motherfucker. I fell in once. That shit sucks. PUT THE SEAT DOWN.'
This. This is why you put the seat down. Just once, fall into a toilet full of cold toilet-water while half-asleep at 3AM and you will put the seat down for the rest of your damned life. It is not an experience I recommend.
Of course, in our house we also put the lid down because a) flushing spews toilet germs everywhere otherwise, including on your toothbrush and b) we used to live in an apartment with a very large built in shelf right over the toilet and a cat that thinks purposefully knocking things off high places is a great game. After enough combs and nail polish bottles and razors ended up in the toilet, we both got into the habit as a means stymieing the antics of Pasha the Destroyer.
@kanye-qwest said in RL Anger:
At my last worksite I walked into the bathroom and there was a girl in there EATING a CUPCAKE.
...what. No. What? WHY?!
@auspice I stopped reading at "not".
To be fair, calling Microsoft Outlook an "email" program, in air quotes, seems fairly accurate to all my experiences with it.
@sparks If you aren't using sendmail, you're wrong.