Nov 11, 2018, 8:05 AM


Ok, well, first of all you are wildly mischaracterizing what I put in that post, which is unsurprising, but alright. I said that you were justified in being suspicious, but that not everything is a sinister plot, and that you shouldn't rush to judgment about motive.

Secondly, what does saying you shouldn't rush to judgment about motives have to do with taking responsible steps to protect yourself? I pointed out, several times, that you were justified in being suspicious.

NOTE: I am -not- calling Mietze a liar, or saying she is wrong -- just that it is only one side of the story, there, and there exists a -possibility- that the intentions are more innocent than they may appear. I fully understand her hesitation in this matter.

So, as noted, while Mietze is perfectly justified in her suspicion and actions, there is potentially another side of the story, here. One in which the man is not The Devil. And I was merely trying to make the point that, sometimes, people can show up and want to get in touch with no moustache-twirling involved.

I said I agreed with your suspicion, and your desire to take actions to protect yourself. In fact, I am pretty sure that I was specifically responding to KQ there, and not you, because KQ's take was All Men Are Evil or something to that effect.

So by all means, cast me as the villain here if it makes you feel better, but it doesn't discount my original point that asking women to take steps to protect themselves is not a bad thing.