@Ganymede Brent Spiner was on a dramady called "Night Court" also. I think I see where you're taking this:
RL Anger
@Ganymede Brent Spiner was on a dramady called "Night Court" also. I think I see where you're taking this:
Whys this fucking app thanking me for watching an add it didn't ask me too?
@DnvnQuinn said in RL Anger:
Whys this fucking app thanking me for watching an add it didn't ask me too?
It's like putting a 'My Bad' note at the scene of a crime, yeah?
First in a series of Corporate Mishaps:
Random banks texting me that I have pending debt, when I in fact do not, and they do this to try and either trick some fools into paying up debts they paid in full already or to stress your day up.
Shouldn't use "text message talk" if the abbreviations/words don't make sense...
Wait until you read it in e-mail correspondence from opposing counsel.
froths, twitches
I used to work in state government in the public works area, doing grant administration and stuff. I once sent a very official, formal document to a Mayor, and got 'thx' as a reply. For a formal document.
@Sunny Beautiful. Should have sent him a 'yw'. Or her, anyways.
George ZImmerman's latest circus. It's not so much anger as disgust but this topic fits well enough.
@Cobaltasaurus said in RL Anger:
@Miss-Demeanor said in RL Anger:
Oh, and if you come into the CLEARLY not a superstore and get pissed that we're not, in fact, a superstore and thus do not have a full grocery section? Eat a bag of dicktits.
I could go on. >.>
My favorite so far is the: "This is the smallest walmart I've ever seen..." Or a "do you have door knobs? what about x/y/z? why don't you have them?" Because we're a GROCERY STORE.
Also, I'm sorry you're a CSM. That job looks like fucking hell.
Also, also-- in general. Seriously, take you fucking groceries out of the goddamned basket.
I actually like CSM'ing. I come across far more blatant idiocy behind the register and service desk.
PS. Stop leaving gross shit in the carts when you leave! Also, stop leaving the carts perpendicular to the ROWS OF CARTS you lazy shits! Its two feet, put the cart back instead of making a huge goddamn mess of carts that blocks the self-checkout lanes! Oh, and there's a special hell reserved for those sons of bitches trying to drag huge 50 inch tv's through self-checkout. Or really, anything beyond a small number of easily rung up items.
Not so much anger, as a frustrated/irritated "omg" kind of situation...
Totally used nasal spray as eye drops, accidentally. That shit burns after a minute...
At least my eyes won't be congested, at least..? =/
@thebird I guess it might have helped? Don't your tear ducts drain into your sinuses?
@Kanye-Qwest said in RL Anger:
Not so much anger, as a frustrated/irritated "omg" kind of situation...
Totally used nasal spray as eye drops, accidentally. That shit burns after a minute...
At least my eyes won't be congested, at least..? =/
So how high are you, exactly?
....moderately? >>
And.. @DnvnQuinn, maybe it helped..? After the burning stopped, my eyes didn't itch anynore, so that's good =D
@thebird That's what Matt Murdock said, too.
My bank changed their post and processing times without notice. This makes me angry since money usually available Friday afternoon won't be available until Saturday. Sonuvabitch.
@Miss-Demeanor Oh, and please don't just drop things in the middle of the fucking aisles.
And hide your trash in the shelves.
Or piss on things. Please don't do that.
You have a goddamn Ph.D. In Computer Science from M.I fucking T and are too lazy/entitled to realize that your conference room setup in your office doesn't work because nobody turned the fucking power button on.
Seriously, you are a 47 year-old fucking child, or you falsified your degree with a goddamn crayon.
@silentsophia If you take the last bag of ice from the machine up front? SAY SOMETHING.
Don't pile your cart full of items then expect me to check the prices on everything AT the register, there are price check machines in the store for that EXACT purpose!
Stop trying to price match from shady, fly-by-night site ads you got in your spam folder! We only price match from specific, reputable, companies! Even with stuff like Amazon and Best Buy and our own website we have to check to make sure its coming from the retailer and not a third party through the retailer.
So yesterday at the MD Anderson, they gave us the initial results of the biopsy- mom has cancer, again.
We don't know if the cancer is metastasized yet or not- we will know the full details on Monday. However, the fact that my mother had cancer previously, and it was very aggressive, on her nose-
And the fact that it was excised and then radiation was used to attack the remains-
And the fact that she's been cancer-'free' for the past four years, only for another cancer to emerge now...
The odds are overwhelmingly in favor of this being a metastasis of the original cancer. Sometimes a new primary cancer appears instead of it being a metastasis... so she could conceivably have something like Hodgkin's Lymphoma on her collarbone....
Which, as bad as that is, would be a better case scenario than a metastasis. Treatment cannot cure bone metastasis. It can relieve pain, help prevent complications, improve your quality of life- such as it is, but it is effectively a death sentence.
So, hasa diga eebowai. Seriously. I'm angry, but unfortunately there isn't anyone I can direct that anger towards, if you know what I mean.
I'm sorry.