Theatre of Shadows MUSH - OWoD MUSH Seeks Developers/Staff
@Bobotron Good to know. I'll be keeping my eye on it as it develops! I'm still fond of OWoD Vampire.
I am still plugging away at the game, so I figured I'd toss up an update.
Codewise, I'm about done with XP spends during chargen (it's a little odd the way I need to do it, and I'm going to have sellback if you mess something up, rather than staff having to reset you). After that, all I have left to do of chargen is things a player defines, like Skill Aptitude or Additional Discipline Merits and such..
I've fixed a couple of errors on the wiki in the Kindred rules files (mostly clarifying costs and default types of Assamites), and I've added in newsfiles on how I'm planning on handling Downtimes and Blood (though Blood is unfinished, as I'm currently looking at an alternative). You can find these under the bottom section, Systems and Rules.
The Blood stuff I'm going back and forth in my head on; in TT, blood is just a constant commodity. In METVtM, characters can go feed and get a couple of blood without a challenge (unless there's feeding difficulty), or come in at full automatically by putting in a feeding downtime. I'm debating pulling out the 'standard' feeding methodology, and just have it rely on Herd and Downtimes as detailed on the wiki. This will be finalized soon enough.
ETA: The main thing I'm debating is regarding the actual hunting. Most WoD games have (and often require) a hunting roll to get blood, and that becomes a commodity and a challenge for people to figure out. I wonder if attempting to eschew the traditional hunt roll (as in METVtM, a standard hunt is 'go out of game for 15, get 2 blood unless something is hinky') would be something contentious to do, and just rely on herd and potentially Downtime Feeding.
Any additional news?
I'm still chugging along. I have decided, after much deliberation, to yank out the planned Mortals venue; it was hard to write up everything for, so I'm rolling parts of that into the city mysteries that the Kindred population will be able to interact with. The focus is now going to be solely Vampires and Ghouls, and the attendant politics and things of the Camarilla, the Anarch Movement and Independents.Influence is up on the wiki, with one additional thing to add for it. House Rules have been futzed around with and combined into one page. Some stuff I missed has been adjusted on the House Rules page. Chargen is now officially done, including unspending XP spends you screwed up (since our policy is review, with the ability to go IC immediately). There are two coded systems I haven't finished yet, the downtime/influence tracking systems (as these have their own refreshes, I need to track them separate from the Job system) and the Status trait award/spend/revoke system. There are probably a couple of corner-case things that I need to do with the other code like +test and things, but I am not immediately thinking of anything (I'm sure it will change once I go 'Oh shit, that thing...').
I need some assistance with some mundane work though: I need some data entry done. I need a little data entry Igor that I can give the book PDF, access to the commands or the way I need things formatted, and have them go to town on the information.
Continuing along. It looks like, if all goes well and my streak of catching my errors as I make them holds, I'll be ready for an alpha opening/viewing mid-October. Downtime rules are up on the wiki, Territory rules are in-progress, and the overall policies are going through finalization.
I'm going to continue to chug along and see what happens. The more I'm developing this, the more i'm seeing it as a little bit of a 'spiritual successor' to Requiem for Kingsmouth; I've designed the game to have a heavy socio-political push, particularly with what I've written but also by using Mind's Eye Theatre, I have permission from @Groth to use their play-tier system verbatin, which I like pretty well, and I will probably adjust that somewhat to fit my vision overall.
I am still hoping for one or two staffers; perhaps as I get closer to opening and people can login and check things out on the game proper, I might get a couple of more bites. I'm very easy to staff with and if you've never staffed, but feel like you have good ideas and a familiarity with Masquerade, feel free to hit me up. Some of my best staff in my MU* history came from players of the game, or people that had never staffed before but had good ideas.
Either way, I'm going to get it open; it's not hurting me to have a project to work on in general, and I really feel the game has a lot of potential. I just have to get it there to show off what it is and what it can do and be.
I have to second that; @Bobotron is one of the easiest people ever to work with. Good natured, mellow, and with plenty of brains. If I didn't have a massive project consuming my soul I'd be all over helping out here. If this is the sort of thing that interests you, I very much encourage you to sign up! Whomever you are.
Aww. I used to play exactly this kind of LARP even in exactly this kind of mixed territory city, back when I was a wee lassie. What fun! Good luck.
I appreciate that. It's been fun running theory and helping you out with social system stuff!@Gingerlily
Thanks! I'm hopeful that the game will go over well. And if not, well, I've done some neat code I could probably get use out of down the road. -
I can't help, I'm afraid, but I am looking orward to playing some V:TM.
So any updates on this?
Is it still upcoming?