@Derp Maybe you read this thread or something similar?
Random GMC game brainstorming
@Derp Maybe you read this thread or something similar?
I do remember reading that thread, but it's not clicking that that is the source. I shall continue to look!
What plays well together and will eventually have a 2.0. AND will have something that can be tied toward cross-sphere.
Mage as a game plays well with most things. Mage players don't always, and non-Mage players frequently don't.
Vampire ... doesn't have anything.
Finally, a convert.
@HelloRaptor said:
What plays well together and will eventually have a 2.0. AND will have something that can be tied toward cross-sphere.
Mage as a game plays well with most things. Mage players don't always, and non-Mage players frequently don't.
Vampire ... doesn't have anything.
Finally, a convert.
Talk to @Saulot
@HelloRaptor said:
Mage as a game plays well with most things. Mage players don't always, and non-Mage players frequently don't.
It's sometimes a chicken-and-egg situation. Asshole players cause asshole responses.
For example on HM I ran a plot which kicked off with a dead kid found drained of blood, and my intention was for vampire PCs to go investigate a possible Masquerade breach and find more than they expected. Well, a Mage player paged me and wanted to investigate as well since dead kids make the news. I informed the bloodsuckers' players in passing someone else was involved and they lost their shit. I was told point-blank by several of them if Mages were getting into it, they were out of the plot.
Now, the Mage player in question was Dyaria so there's that but they players didn't know who it was at the time. A 'Mage PC' is all they had been told, and it was enough.
I think I remember that plot... and the frothing... and laughing hilariously to myself over the bitching about it. But I also know Dyaria's player and immensely enjoyed watching him just 'old man' everything in the face.