Kinds of Mu*s Wanted
@Spitfire said:
Something that's always been a dream of mine is a Werewolf-only nWoD MU with two spheres: Forsaken and Pure.
Some of the bigger multi-venue games tried including them and failed miserably, but I
thinkhope that a game focused on just Werewolf could manage to pull it off correctly. The real problem I see is that Werewolf has always been one of the least popular venues in WoD, so just getting enough people would be one problem, and then making sure that the Pure players aren't just evil PK machines is another.The Pure sourcebook is by far my favorite and it's such a shame to see these awesome tribes relegated to the role of either cardboard cutout NPCs in small plots, or the abstract evil threat in sphere "themes".
I actually think the themes of the Pure could be better explored via the other tribes. Instead of using the Pure as separate counter-culture to the Forsaken, make their viewpoints and practices part of the larger werewolf scheme. Make them part of the same actual society--Blood Talons who side with Luna, and Blood Talons who don't, etc.
Someone on the Onyx Path forums had a pretty good re-write of the Tribes to accommodate that.
@Coin said:
Make them part of the same actual society--Blood Talons who side with Luna, and Blood Talons who don't, etc.
Reintegrate the Pure and a huge chunk of the mythology no longer makes any sense. It's not just that one sides with Luna and one doesn't, the five tribes are the descendants of Wolf's killers. Take that conflict away and you're taking away...the Forsaken. It's just Werewolf: ...The Werewolves at that point.
@Jennkryst said:
Maybe. It's just amazing watching paralegal friend flip his shit when a Judge overrules the 'he hasn't taken the bar' objection with 'shut up, I'll allow it' (which is admittedly terrible, if hilarious) and the whole Rule 26(b) thing, which he described as something like 'the most brilliant use of the most annoying rule ever'. It could be because Delaware is redonkulous.
Presuming that Delaware's Rule 26(b) is similar to the Federal Rule 26(b), then, yes, it is a very long, frustrating civil rule.
A good Dresden mush with simple concise rules or maybe a Dresden mush using a nWoD homebrew.
A nWoD game set in a gritty metropolis like say..New York...
I'd like to see what the Kingsmouth people are doing. Before it randomly and suddenly imploded it was a real awesome place to play. Some of the plots there were super engaging and you could always find people to engage with deeply on more than a 'Social' bar scene or TS scene. It's a shame it just went POOF with no real warning.
A good low power superhero game, but gritty. Probably using Mutants and Masterminds. Heroes that aren't shining glorious beacons but people with problems to go along with their gifts.
A good FALLOUT rpg. Why has this not happened yet? So much material!
A mush style game set in the D&D verses. Or a real good fantasy deep rpg Mush.
@DnvnQuinn there is a Dresden Files MUX called Dark Spires that you can check out.
On the fantasy front, it certainly isn't D&D, but there's Kushiel's Debut. It's more nobility and politics than adventures and magic, I believe, but it seems popular around these parts.
In terms of things I'd like to see, its particular settings for particular genres:
In the isle of post apocalypse, I'm leaning towards Fallout, because Fallout 4 itself was absolutely unable to sate my roleplaying desires. Maybe even something Metro 2033 inspired.
Though similar, a setting that's less apocalypse but economic/societal collapse or war-torn survival I think would be interesting. Definitely something This War of Mine inspired, for current lack of better example, with people smacking each other for scraps of bread.
In the land of fantasy, its The Witcher without a needing a second to think about, and I doubt this craving of mine will fade. I blame everything Nilfgaard for this craving. I recall a brainstorming thread about this, but it doesn't seem to be too active as of late.
Though I haven't read or watched it, something inspired by The Man in the High Castle would be interesting, no doubt.
Right now, I'm desperately craving an urban fantasy MU* that /isn't/ bleak, depressing, or fated for ultimate destruction, and where humans aren't just pawns and playthings in their own world.
It sounds like a Dresden Files MUSH might be up your alley then. But the go-to themes for urban MU* are usually intended to be bleak rather than the opposite.
@Arkandel said:
It sounds like a Dresden Files MUSH might be up your alley then. But the go-to themes for urban MU* are usually intended to be bleak rather than the opposite.
Dresden isn't really what I'm looking for, either. Probably because the books are tightly focused on one /amazing/ character and his collection of Colorful Sidekicks with ever-escalating power and drama, it's hard to imagine that being a fun MU* on a long term basis (and yes, I know about Dark Spires, but it never attracted me).
I'd really like to see something NEW. Not even very new. But something where the cosmology and canon isn't already established, and the setting and game can grow into unexpected directions, with actual revelations and game-changers along the way.
@Pyrephox said:
@Arkandel said:
It sounds like a Dresden Files MUSH might be up your alley then. But the go-to themes for urban MU* are usually intended to be bleak rather than the opposite.
Dresden isn't really what I'm looking for, either. Probably because the books are tightly focused on one /amazing/ character and his collection of Colorful Sidekicks with ever-escalating power and drama, it's hard to imagine that being a fun MU* on a long term basis (and yes, I know about Dark Spires, but it never attracted me).
I'd really like to see something NEW. Not even very new. But something where the cosmology and canon isn't already established, and the setting and game can grow into unexpected directions, with actual revelations and game-changers along the way.
I'd kind of like that a lot, too.
@Pyrephox : And that's fine! The only thing is, most players are looking for something they're at least vaguely familiar with either in terms of mechanics (i.e. an established RPG implementation) or theme (borrowed from books, video games, etc).
Now, in some ways that even makes sense as you know what to expect from the setting, its quality is high on average since these are properties written by professional writers instead of hobbyists and of course we as players are also fans of certain ones. But that's not something you should be concerned about since obviously you can want other things.
What is a concern is that since 'most players' go elsewhere that leaves other unique games be both small, niche and relatively not advertised through word of mouth. MSB or TMC can help but it's quite likely there are gems out there, well ran and coded little games we've just never heard of which eventually die down because their creators give up on them at some point if there are only a handful of players on at any given time.
@Arkandel said:
@Pyrephox : And that's fine! The only thing is, most players are looking for something they're at least vaguely familiar with either in terms of mechanics (i.e. an established RPG implementation) or theme (borrowed from books, video games, etc).
Now, in some ways that even makes sense as you know what to expect from the setting, its quality is high on average since these are properties written by professional writers instead of hobbyists and of course we as players are also fans of certain ones. But that's not something you should be concerned about since obviously you can want other things.
What is a concern is that since 'most players' go elsewhere that leaves other unique games be both small, niche and relatively not advertised through word of mouth. MSB or TMC can help but it's quite likely there are gems out there, well ran and coded little games we've just never heard of which eventually die down because their creators give up on them at some point if there are only a handful of players on at any given time.
Luckily, I was talking about what I want, and not what a Statistically Significant Majority of Potential MU* Players want.
@Coin said:
@Pyrephox said:
@Arkandel said:
It sounds like a Dresden Files MUSH might be up your alley then. But the go-to themes for urban MU* are usually intended to be bleak rather than the opposite.
Dresden isn't really what I'm looking for, either. Probably because the books are tightly focused on one /amazing/ character and his collection of Colorful Sidekicks with ever-escalating power and drama, it's hard to imagine that being a fun MU* on a long term basis (and yes, I know about Dark Spires, but it never attracted me).
I'd really like to see something NEW. Not even very new. But something where the cosmology and canon isn't already established, and the setting and game can grow into unexpected directions, with actual revelations and game-changers along the way.
I'd kind of like that a lot, too.
See? I'm not alone! I've even kicked around various ideas for settings and games and how to build them from the ground up as a sustainable "organism" that still allows PCs the chance to be awesome.
@Pyrephox Of course, and I mentioned that. But read the last paragraph - what those players want affects you.
@Arkandel said:
@Pyrephox Of course, and I mentioned that. But read the last paragraph - what those players want affects you.
Only if I have any expectation of getting what I want. Which I don't. Because I also want a Valdemar MU*, and that ain't eeeeever going to happen.
Sometimes it IS possible to share preferences without having a Structured Action Plan in the making!
It is the kinds of MUSHes wanted thread not kinds of MUSHed that would succeed, so with that in mind:
I desire for a MU* set in the World of Magnamar from the Lone Wolf Series of game books. I know there are at least two published game systems out there including one recently launched. -
@Wizz said:
Say it like you mean it why doncha.
@Wizz said:
So much this. I have only recently been introduced to the glory of Eclipse Phase and
so much
@Pyrephox said:
@Coin said:
@Pyrephox said:
@Arkandel said:
It sounds like a Dresden Files MUSH might be up your alley then. But the go-to themes for urban MU* are usually intended to be bleak rather than the opposite.
Dresden isn't really what I'm looking for, either. Probably because the books are tightly focused on one /amazing/ character and his collection of Colorful Sidekicks with ever-escalating power and drama, it's hard to imagine that being a fun MU* on a long term basis (and yes, I know about Dark Spires, but it never attracted me).
I'd really like to see something NEW. Not even very new. But something where the cosmology and canon isn't already established, and the setting and game can grow into unexpected directions, with actual revelations and game-changers along the way.
I'd kind of like that a lot, too.
See? I'm not alone! I've even kicked around various ideas for settings and games and how to build them from the ground up as a sustainable "organism" that still allows PCs the chance to be awesome.
We should talk some time.